Fraidy Cat planning baby #4.


I'm 41. As of Jan 2001, I had been pregnant 5 times in 4.5 yrs. (2 miscarriages). My baby is 14 mths now and I want to start trying for #4 in Dec 2001. I'm a size 10 now but determined to be a size 4 by then. The reason is that I always gain 50-55 lbs with each pregnancy and I'm sick, tired and in pain the whole 9 months. (Age, wt gain and having them so close together just about kills me.) I was always skinny (but fat) and not in shape before pregs. but I've been Catheing and Firming since March and am seeing muscles and have so much more endurance and strength. PLEASE, somebody tell me that they have had the same experience and that this pregnancy can be different. With more muscle, do you think MAYBE I can stay within the recommended guidelines for wt gain??? Continue exercising and NOT LOSE any muscle, strength, endurance??? I know I'm dreaming but I want to come out of this practically wearing my size 4's. I just don't want to have to start all over. WWAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Anybody? Robin.

P.S. Oh, and congrats to you all who are expecting. There is a reason that, even with miserable pregnancies, I want to do this again. I'm soooo in love with my girls. You guys are in for the time of your lives.
I can relate to your post on a few levels. First, thanks for the smile.
I too, am considering doing it again, my girls are 7 & 5 now and would love to have another baby girl (or boy). I am 34 this Jan. and like you gain 50-55 pounds per pregnancy, but have been lucky to lose it and more after, with lots of excerise and a good diet. However, that was in my twenties, those days are so done. I've noticed what used to be adequet for weight maintenance or lose is now not enough. I guess that has alot to do with age. Kinda depressing. I am heavier now than I was six months after my second daughter. I know with a little bit of diet clean up I could lose these extra 5 or so pounds. I am worried like you though, will another baby put me over the edge and will I have brand new fat cells that won't ever leave regardless of what I do?

With my 50-55 weight gains with the first two, I WAS working out everyday, stepping with Cathe pretty much right up till the bitter end with little modifications and swimming 4 times a week, lots of dog walks. So, that was then and this is now, and I'm alot older. I was thinking about trying this December as well, but like you, am a little nervous about how I will look after (how vain!). I love reading the posts here, especaily the ones that have older kids already and are having babies after the diapers and sleepless nights have long since been over. Makes me think I'm not so crazy to consider doing it all over again, as a few friends have said I am. Any happy, or not so happy related stories would be appreciated. Very tough decision.
Hi Robyn! Relax, you are putting too much pressure on yourself. This kind of stress could hinder your efforts to get pregnant. Keep your goals healthy and realistic. Then when you get pregnant, be sure to simply maintain what you have, rather then set more goals. Yes, you can continue to workout and keep your muscle tone and strength but eventually as the months progress you will have to cut back some due to the natural changes in your body. This is fine and we all go through this. You may not come out wearing your size 4's but you sure will have the time to set those goals for yourself after you have the baby. Good luck and keep healthy!
Well, thank you both for responding. Bridge, I was hoping we'd get the answer we wanted, "Yes, you're new muscles will keep you from gaining over 20lbs (tops) and you will feel better than ever." But noooooooooo. No matter the answer I was going to do it anyway (get pregnant). OK, Cathe. I will take a chill pill. I know that it's all up to me. I'm just gonna TRY to get in the best shape I can before pregnancy and just go from there. I know it'll all be worth it anyway. I do luuuuuuuuvvvvvv those babies. Congrats to all again. Robin.
One thing I remember from each of my pregnancies (3) is the dreaded prospect of gaining and then having to lose all that weight. I gained 31 lbs with each pregnancy and worked out religiously with each pregnancy. It took me at least 6 months to get the weight off. My newest baby is 8 1/2 months and I am finally back to where I was pre-pregnancy. I must say I was always happy with where I was at, be it during pregnancy or post-pregnancy. I think when you are pregnant, you just accept that you are going to gain weight and then it's not so bad. Of paramount importance is the health of the baby and the baby won't be healthy if you don't gain weight. Then after the baby comes, of course you are going to have the extra weight for awhile. It takes 18 months for your body to get back to normal. You have to be realistic and not make unattainable goals. HAPPY BABY!

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