Fosamax... anyone taking this for bone density?


Well I am so bummed.. my bone density scan came back with numbers close to Osteoporosis, but not there.. the Dr has prescribed Fosamax which is supposed to build your bone density back. With all the weight training, taking calcium, and the milk and dairy I have eaten my whole life, this took be by surprise. I just wanted to see if anyone else took this and if they had any side effects etc. Thanks
I've been taking fosamax for about 8 months now. No side effects. I was like you thought my bone density would be ok with all the wts and impact aerobics :-( Sadly though I do admit I've been calcium deficient most of my adult life.

I was just talking to my sister who was prescribed Fosomax, took it for about 2 yrs. then stopped ,she was worried about side effects (she never mentioned what kind), anyway she just had results back from bone density scan and her results haven't changed and this is without taking Fosomax for the past year. I have been taking calcium supp. for past 3 years and my bone scans have improved, I think due to both the supplements and weight training. I was borderline to begin with.(ostopenia)sp?
Yes, I've been taking Fosamax for about two years now. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with Osteopenia (precursor to Osteoporosis) and I just could not believe it with all the years I've been exercising. The doctor had to repeat the results several times.

So, I've been taking Fosamax, along with Calcium and Magnesium supplements and I've had no adverse effects. The only side effect, that I experience is stomach pain for the first half hour after I take it the (Fosamax). I take it once per week. The pain is not tremendous, but I do feel it hit my stomach like a little "bomb".

It has improved my bone density. I'm really grateful for that. Good luck to you!
Thanks for the replies.. regarding the stomach pain, I too have to take it once a week, so since I get up at 4:30-4:45 every weekday to workout, I thought about taking it with water, right before my workout.. it says not to drink or eat anything for 30 minutes after taking it, do you think drinking more water ( I usually drink about 32 oz total while working out), would be ok? is the pain bad enough that you couldn't work out?

Deb, I would wait the full 30min before working out. The reason is because if you were to have reflux at all it can seriously irritate your esophagus. I wouldn't chance it.


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