Former Firm users

Are any of you having much luck with selling your firm tapes/dvds on e-bay? Just by looking at what is listed on e-bay they are not selling, there was pages and pages of them. I guess everyone is finding out about Cathe! I need to get rid of some old stuff so I can buy new Cathe stuff. :7 :7 :7

I have mine on there now.
No they are not selling as well. There are alot of them out there.
I know i listed 30 in the last 2 weeks.I figure if i get a couple bucks out of them it is better than nothing since they are just sitting around.
Even the new ones out there are dirt cheap, so oh well.
Oh, and wait till the last 2 days , the bids will appear . Alot wait. I don't bid on anything that has 6 days.
I haven't tried selling mine. I am a pack-rat, though, and keep thinking that "someday I will want to use them again". Who knows, maybe I will on a "not-so Cathe" day.
I was selling my Firm stuff between November 2005 and Jan 2006 and did manage to sell all of it but 2 really old VHS tapes. It depends on the timing and wether or not they are dvd or vhs. DVD's go MUCH quicker! Don't sell if you find pages of the same product for sale. Wait it out until you aren't 1 of a million trying to sell the same thing.

Interesting. I think the firm lost a lot of credibility with its last few workout systems. Plus, the Firm dominated the market for quite some time so there's a big supply out there now flooding ebay as people get bored and ready to try something different.

It's not worth it to me to sell them.
I donated mine to our local library and to our local Job Corps for the single parents dorm...I suppose I could have gotten a tax deduction statement but I was just happy to give them to an entity that would likely use them!!! Not very profitable, but they're out of my house!!!
I find that interesting because I really enjoyed the last few workout systems. Especially the TransFirmer!
>Interesting. I think the firm lost a lot of credibility with
>its last few workout systems. Plus, the Firm dominated the
>market for quite some time so there's a big supply out there
>now flooding ebay as people get bored and ready to try
>something different.
>It's not worth it to me to sell them.

I started out with the fanny lifter one and loved it, then the step box came out and I had to have it too. I agree that the Firm has dominated the market for a while, you could even buy them at Target and Walmart.

I really want to get rid of the adjustable box step, I never really felt safe on that thing and I really didn't like the workouts that came with it. If I could get rid of that series I'd be happy. I do still like to do some the shorts one when I'm short on time. Oh well I guess I just hold out a little longer.
Just a tip for you--you could list them all as a lot--especially if you have a full series and the step or fanny lifter--these always go better than individual tapes/DVD's. Good luck!
I agree! Sell them in a lot! I sold 6 of my Firm DVD's in one lot and got, like, $30 for them. For me, it was worth it because that's $5 a piece and that's better than them sitting around here collecting dust.
Hey thanks for all the ideas. Since there are so many on e-bay right now, I think I might try the local newspaper. They have something called freebies, any listing for less than $100.00 and the add is free! It worth a try. :)
I donated my VHS tapes to the library book sale. They went quickly and the library makes a few bucks toward purchasing new materials.
As for my DVDs...I'll never get rid of those and actually beefed up some of my collection on Ebay. The old Firms are tried and true classics as far as I am concerned.

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