? for WD?


Hi Sue,
I left a question for you on the Doubting Thomas thread, but was wondering if you could or would, answer it here????? pretty please??? :D :D
I noticed you do alot of ab work. Do you think I could shrink my pooch if I followed your ab routine? I've worked out since '89 but only the past two years with Cathe tapes and then, my abs only get worked 4-5 times per week, 5-9 min. max. I can see by your sample schedule that I also need to double up some classes.
Thanks so very much, in advance
Sue, I'd like to add to my question above, my thanks for you allowing your workout schedule to be posted.
Some of us, well me, have a hard time putting rotations together. When a person needs, endurance, strenth and cardio, how to put it together, how much, and how often is difficult and very frustrating at times.
So seeing your sample schedule and your very obvious results is a great big help, not to mention Modivator. It gives me hope because we are close to the same age. I have your pix next to my other heroine, Cathe, in my workout room. :D

Thanks again
RE: ?#2 for WD?

You look fantastic and you are definitly a role model for me. I have three children also.

Would you mind explaining what your diet is like?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-02 AT 09:46PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Wanda & Joyce,
My workout helps but I notice a diffence when I allow a lot of starchy carbs or sodium in my diet. I also have noticed a diffence in definition when I lower the amount of abs and stop doing as much ab work with resistence. Everyone is different though and some can do a lot less and see results. I posted about my diet in WD your endurance rotation. so you might check there Joyce.
Thank you Sue, for your reply. My diet has been way too much starch and sodium. I just noticed on Cathe's Behind the Scenes thread, that she also cut back on starch.
I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. My abs are Very hard and yet there is that stupid pooch. :D

I'll check out your diet on your endurance thread.
Again, I really appreciate your taking the time to answer. Not only is it a busy time of year, but you are quite a popular lady now. ;-)


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