XM is awesome to me!
I kind of listen to a little of everything but mostly stick with what is popular so R&B, hip hop, and pop. With that being said XM has 6 stations, 3 that are R&B and 3 that just play all the popular music that are out now. Then they have a great gospel station and a wonderful jazz station. (They actually have 3 of both of these but I only like 1)
Plus I love E! so I can listen to E true hollywood story,
I can listen to Oprah, oldtime mysteries on the Sonic Channel,
They also have a great comedy channel so when I need a chuckle, I just listen to a 3 minute stand up routine from a popular comedian.
In the mornng i listen to CNN, but if there is something happenng that I want to hear about I can also hit Headline News, ABC or Fox.
Hope this helps.