? For "slnewmanpt".....


Hi! I just looked at your pics and I've gotta say "wow, you look great!!" You're so tone and defined! Way to go! Now, I have to be nosey and ask....what's your "secret"? Have you always been fit, do you do only Cathe, what's your diet like?? Sorry to be so nosey, I'm just intrigued!! Thanks for any info you feel comfortable providing.

:) Stacy
RE: ? For "slnewmanpt".....

Thanks so much Stacy! I can always take a compliment! I think that really, I have a hard time putting on muscle. I have always worked out, but haven't been nearly as fit since I started doing Cathe. I w/o to Cathe almost exclusively. I lift lower and upper heavy once a week, lower and upper light once a week, do a total body endurance w/o, and do power yoga twice a week. I try to get in three 20-30 min cardio's, but a lot of times I only get in one. I don't stay on any certain rotation either.

My diet isn't what it should be. I try to eat as healthily as possible, but I love chocolate! }( I eat sensibly, but I really don't obsess about my diet much at all.

Thank you again for the compliment. Those kudos really do help keep me motivated!! :7

Sherry http://www.gif-seite.de/vorschaubilder/smilies/laola.gif

RE: ? For "slnewmanpt".....


WOW!! You look wonderful!!! Your pike with the stabiilty is outstanding and impressive. I'm trying to stablize that darn ball - not working yet but i'm a die hard personality and dang if I don't do it!!

Again, great bod - you should be very proud!!

Take care,


RE: ? For "slnewmanpt".....

Wow Sherry you do look great! What do you do in power yoga compare to regular yoga. I was just curious. I've only taking regular yoga and I see at my gym they also have power yoga. Thanks;-).

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