RE: Need meal ideas...
For me:
Whole grain breads, cereals, oatmeal, pasta
brown rice
fruits, veggies, beans (If it comes out of the ground or off a tree, eat it)
meats/fish (without breading and I don't eat processed meats)
dressings without added sugar
Spaghetti sauce without added sugar
soupts without white pasta/rice
loads of water
"Yes" to treats such as popcorn and Sugar free ice cream (Sugarbuster's is the best!), whipped cream, diet pop. (I don't eat these things every day tho, and I also limit the sodas). If I can have peanut butter, mayo and ice cream, then I'm gonna make it. Technically, peanut butter and mayo have sugar in the ingredients, but on the nutritional info, mayo has 0 gms of sugar and PB has 3gm. Rule of thumb for me is 3gms or less per serving is OK. Not counting fruits and milk cuz these are naturally occuring sugars. Hope that's not too confusing.
I feel gooooooooooooooooooooood!! Robin.