For People Who Quit Eating SUGAR!!


New Member
I would like to quit eating sugar or at least cut way back and feel like I have some self control. For those of you who did it, could you share your secrets!

Thank you.
I just went cold turkey. It's a lot easier (at least for me) to say NO sugar rather than some sugar. It takes away a lot of the constant stress over should i shouldn't I.

A few of us quit in late feb. I found I craved water and fruit which was great..

Good luck

THere are a few clean eating threads which are probably worth reading.
With me, I finally got to the point where I wanted to look good more than I wanted the sugar and I realized I couldn't have both. Take a deep breath and just commit to doing it for a week. By the end of the week, you'll be over the hump and will be able to stay away from it.

Here's what worked for me during the first couple of days. I kept some cheese and fresh fruit (oranges, raspberries, blueberries, red grapefruit) in my office. When the sugar craving hit, and it did, I'd eat a 1" piece of cheese and some fruit, followed by two big glasses of ice water. It worked. I didn't worry too much about total caloric intake until I was out of the sugar thing, but when you are, you can satisfy yourself very well on 1700 - 1800 calories a day since they're not "empty" calories.

I did drink Diet Coke but I cut it way back, from 6 - 8 per day to 2.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-02 AT 10:14AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-02 AT 10:00 AM (Est)[/font]

Hi. For me, cutting out sugar was impossible without cutting out all refined carbs. That includes sweets, alcohol, white bread/pasta/rice, chips, etc. That's it. After 2-3 days, the hard part's over and it's just a matter of planning. Read labels. Also is a great site for food ideas. I don't follow any plan exactly, tho. SB recommends cutting out all potatoes and corn. I just cut back on these things and diet drinks.

Also, I need motivation to start. There's a thread on the "Ask Cathe" part of this forum. It's on about page 6 or 7 and it's called "looking for weight loss ideas/rotations", or something like that, and it was started by Kaybell. K60 and others are very motivating. Also, here's a link to an excellent article.,5050,221991_12887,00.html Click on "Weight Loss Coach", then scroll down to Moderation and click on "Food Deprivation". For me, at least, this put things into perspective.

I feel great! HTH. Robin.
I haven't completely quit eating sugar. But I use grapes when I am having a sweet tooth attack. I will sometimes chew sugarless gum or have a couple tic tacs.

It's true, isn't it, that if you can get through the first few days, the hard part is over? That was my experience.

I agree with you but it's not a popular view. Give up all the crap, all the refined flour, chips, pretzels, all of it, AT LEAST DURING THE PERIOD OF TIME YOU'RE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. Not forever! I will periodically eat junk now (maybe a piece of gingerbread or oatmeal cookie) and it's no big deal.

Wow, just finished S&H chest and back with 25 pounders on the bench press, flies and deadlifts. It feels great! First time I have been able to go this heavy. Even my DH can't do flies with 25 and he's no wimp! LOL
RE: Hey K60!

I am a Diet Coke head. I drink it all day long. How did you go from 8 (my usual) to 2 (my goal)? Any tips would be great! I went for about 5 hours yesterday w/o one and got such a caffiene headache, that I headed right for the soda machine!
RE: Hey K60!

I didn't care about the caffeine. Caffiene actually helps burn fat. I was trying to cut down on the artificial sweetners. So, I made iced tea (flavored, like peach or apricot) and drank a ton of that instead, without any sweetner.
Has anyone ever heard of or used Garcinia Cambogia? I think it's also packaged as HCA. I never heard of it, but a coworker was raving about how it's a natural herb (sold in GNC and other health food stores) and how it helps with sugar cravings. I did a little research on the web, and it sounds safe, but I'm still reluctant to run out and buy a bottle.

I'm not really into taking supplements. I do take a multi-vitamin, calcium/vitamin D and a Super B-Complex in the afternoon for energy. I used to take L-Carnitine and Chromium Picolinate for sugar cravings, but that was over 5 years ago, and I don't remember them helping much.

Has anyone ever used this Garcinia Cambogia? Is it really safe? I don't want anything that is similar to caffeine or ephedra/ma huang, because I don't think those products are safe.

I'm thinking about creating a seperate thread for this because I'm really curious about it.
good points here - yes with quitting(!) sugar - i also gave up white flour as well. THe first few days were toughests.

Re; The diet coke - when i started drinking more water - I said first had to have a cup of water - eventually i gave up diet coke altogether.

Coffee is my one vice - I did cut way back and did I hate to say have HORRIBLE withdrawl headaches - but now I'm at 2 a day and usually dont finish them

Good luck !
I have not eaten a grain of sugar since last August. I feel better than I ever have and it's allowed me to get in much higher quality foods in larger amounts for fewer total daily calories. My mood swings }> evened out completely and my energy is better. My mind is more clear and I am sleeping better. This may sound like a lot just from cutting out a substance :-wow but I assure you it's true.

Days 2,3,4 & 5 are generally the most difficult. There are two ways to do it, gradually reduce and then do a cold turkey at the end or just go cold turkey from the jump. It's up to you.

I no longer eat sugar at all and don't plan to. I'm one that if I eat a little I'm off and runnin. I tried the eat by your natural cravings eating plans for some years with zero success. I also don't eat wheat and have not for many many years. Not due to an allergy but another health issue.

I cut down from 6-8 diet cokes per day to 3. I may never be able to go below that, partly because I enjoy diet coke and look at it like I given up a lot and want one treat left!

I would encourage you to also consider the Sugar Addicts Total Recovery Program (a book) as it does lay out a 7 step (not 12 step program either) plan to breaking a sugar addiction. There is tons of excellent info in the book on how sugar impacts our brain chemisty and the need for protein at every meal.

I pray you will experience the new joy in life I have from giving sugar up if you do try it. I do have to say that giving it up is not for everyone by any means.

Need meal ideas...

I really want to try this way of eating, but I don't know where to begin! I am going to check out a couple of books that I have seen mentioned on the forum... but could any of you give me an example of your daily menu? I'm really curious to see what kinds of foods you eat with this lifestyle.
RE: Need meal ideas...

Breakfast: 3/4 cup oatmeal/oat bran combination (dry) - cooked
Omelet made with 5 egg whites, green pepper, green onion, a tablespoon of crumbled feta cheese, topped with salsa
1/4 cantaloupe

Lunch: Big mesclun salad with half a chunked avocado and about 4 oz. of boiled or broiled shrimp
Cantaloupe or strawberries


Tofu hot dog cooked in a pan sprayed with cooking spray until browned
Eziekel bun with dijon mustard and red onion
steamed broccoli

Snack: 1 cup Fiber One with strawberries (I like it dry)
1" piece of cheese


1.5 cups of cooked black beans (I make them with various spices and chopped tomatoes)
1/2 cup cooked brown basmati rice
Protein shake

I stop eating by 6 p.m. but I have no kids to feed so I know that's probably not feasible for most people.
RE: Need meal ideas...

What I'd like to do is refer you to expert advise by giving a link to the website that I feel has the best info and forum on giving up sugar. There are 3 books by the author I'd say the latter two are the best picks however all threee are good!

Do check out their community forum too.
RE: Need meal ideas...

For me:

Whole grain breads, cereals, oatmeal, pasta
brown rice
fruits, veggies, beans (If it comes out of the ground or off a tree, eat it)
meats/fish (without breading and I don't eat processed meats)
dressings without added sugar
Spaghetti sauce without added sugar
soupts without white pasta/rice
loads of water

"Yes" to treats such as popcorn and Sugar free ice cream (Sugarbuster's is the best!), whipped cream, diet pop. (I don't eat these things every day tho, and I also limit the sodas). If I can have peanut butter, mayo and ice cream, then I'm gonna make it. Technically, peanut butter and mayo have sugar in the ingredients, but on the nutritional info, mayo has 0 gms of sugar and PB has 3gm. Rule of thumb for me is 3gms or less per serving is OK. Not counting fruits and milk cuz these are naturally occuring sugars. Hope that's not too confusing.

I feel gooooooooooooooooooooood!! Robin.

I occassionally go to a whole foods health market. For those of you who avoid/cut back on sugar, would you buy things from their bakery? I know they don't use things like white flour or plain old sugar, and it's organic. Or does it not matter what kind of sugar, sweetener, or flour they use, you won't eat it?

Is there a big difference (ie: health, weight) in eating a regular muffin vs. an organic "healthy" muffin?

RE: organic/sugar....

Hi - I have shopped at a whole foods health market for nearly 2 years now and as far as I can tell, a chocolate chip muffin made with white flour and sugar from their bakery is the same as a chocolate muffin from an ordinary grocery store (from the health point of view). The fact that it may be organic, may mean less pesticides, superior taste etc. but nutritionally it is the same (correct me someone if I am wrong). In my experience, you still have to read labels very carefully at the whole foods store to ensure that it is 'healthy'. For example they sell a variety of organic breakfast cereals that have under 2g of fiber and over 11g of sugar per serving. On the other hand, they have a tonne of grains and cereal in labelled dispensers that contain over 7g of fiber per serving and if you mix them all up with some nuts and dried fruit, you will end of with your very own tasty muesli with no added salt or sugar. Something you can't do at an ordinary store. Sorry this went on a bit, but what I am trying to say is that you still have to do a fair bit of work with reading labels etc when you shop at these stores.
RE: organic/sugar....

Their bakery stuff is very high quality but it's still sugar and flour so I avoid it. When I do eat something like that, which isn't very often, I will get it there. However, sugar is sugar, whether it's organic, unrefined, or what have you.

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