No, you aren't unreasonable or insensitive... she should call you... but you might mention it to her gently. I don't know if you are a mom or not, but in the beginning it is incredibly overwhelming to get you and a baby out of the house.... the babies typically eat every 2-4 hours and sleep a ton, so sometimes you end up with a scenario like this...
You have a 3:30 date... you decide to be really organized, so you start getting ready at 2 p.m... but baby decides to sleep later... No problem, you think, I'll take the time to lay out baby's outfit and pack the diaper bag. You finally wake him up at 2:30 and you try to nurse him... he does for awhile, but then he falls back asleep on the breast, it's already 2:45 so you think that maybe you'll change his diaper and change him while he's sleeping. You do, and by now it's 3:00... you're thinking, "How cool am I? I'm still actually early!" But then the baby wakes up and has a huge bowel movement that leaks onto his outfit. ACK! You quickly change him again (taking care not to get the poop all over his head when you take off his onesie)... you put him in a new outfit... it's 3:10 now... you'll be late, but not too late... you pick baby up off the changing table, plop him on your shoulder, and he promptly barfs down your back and on the carpet(geesh... maybe he got more milk than you thought!). You change. You find the Resolve and clean the carpet. It's 3:25. Baby goes into the car carrier, you get out the door. The car carrier goes into the stroller... but then you remember that you forgot the diaper bag in the baby's room... you go back in to get it, come out and at 3:28, you are stuffing it in your stroller. You are really running late now, but maybe the friend will understand... but then the baby starts to cry. He didn't eat enough because he fell asleep that urgent-stop-the-world newborn screaming cry. It's 3:30 You think, "Well, I'll just get to my friends' house and then maybe give him a quick feeding before we go." But, as you are walking, the crying starts to get to you... you can't stop thinking about it, and so your milk lets down. Your shirt is drenched. You are defeated. Defeated, you go home and try not to cry because it is 3:35, you think you'll never make it out of the house again, and you've still got to call your friend who you know is waiting... but the baby is really screaming now, and you won't be able to hear unless you feed him...
The good news is that, after a few months, the baby doesn't eat/sleep so much, nor so erratically... mom & baby find a schedule they can live with, and will probably get much better at getting it all together.