? for fitnessfreak


Active Member
Hi, I was wondering how often you work your upper body? Do you think working your upper body (all parts) 3x a week is too much? I would love to have your upper body definition, you look great. thanks in advance for any help. TLC
another question, How is your daily diet? If you dont mind can you give me a idea of how you eat, and how much? sorry to be so nosy but you really are an inspiration. Thanks, TLC
Also post on the rotations forum because she is there a lot, too!

Did you know that she was in Oxygen Magazine last Fall? Her picture and a nice write up about her and her success??
thats true sarah you look great as well. I'd appreciate any input you have also. thanks for any help you have. I hope I didnt offend you, I didnt mean to. TLC
Oh, Lordy Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not offended at all, sweetie! I haven't been offended in years!! Besides, who the heck doesn't want to know what Debbie, eats, drinks, breathes every second of every day!

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