? for Cathy or anyone about I-series rotation


I just recently got the Intensity series and found this rotation.

ADVANCED Total Overall Body Blast Workout:

Mon: Boot Camp
Tues: off
Wed: Muscle Endurance
Thurs: Imax2
Fri: Cardio and Weights
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2
Sun: Pyramid Upper Body

I have completed two weeks already and have a quick question. On Monday when I do Boot Camp I am still a bit sore from doing PUB on Sunday. Do you recommend very light weighs for the upper body work in BC? Thanks for any info.
Hi there!

Just wanted to put in my two cents on your question. I own the intensity series as well (love it love it love it) and have been doing a predominantly I-series heavy rotation...adding in power hour, circuit max, or MIS here and there. In regards to your question about muscle soreness and workout program order...
I have generally used the pyramids and muscle endurance workouts as my heavy weight training workouts. occasionally i'll lighten up a little on the weights in these but I usually really push myself with these workouts. However, with the circuit style workouts like boot camp and cardio and weights, i usually use much lighter weight than i would for the strictly strength/endurance workouts. don't get me wrong, it's still challenging, but it's its own unique way i find. Here your pushing your heart muscle to the limit as well and i find that heavy weights during these workouts aren't really necessary or even safe per-say, because you move quickly from move to move etc. Don't be afraid to go lighter on the weights during these style workouts, it prevents overtraining, injury, etc. and you'll still be surprised how hard you work. If the soreness persists or remains uncomfortable even after lightening your weights for the circuit style workouts, try moving around the order of your program for the week. I actually devised my own take of an intensity series rotation that i posted in this forum if you wanted to take a look. my user name is catieFIT and it's a ? post, subject: my own JULY rotation.

hope this helps, and sorry it was so long! i tend to ramble.

happy sweatin'
I agree with Catie. Use lower weights for Boot Camp and perhaps switch you rest day from to Monday and do Boot Camp on Tuesday.

Another note, you probably won't be a sore every time you do the Pyramids; you'll get better each time you do them. When you up the weights you'll likely be a little sore again, but not like the first time (that's my experience anyway).

Have Fun,

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