The San Jose Mercury News stopped by to run a story on Tucker. It's actually a very fair story, and a very heart breaking one. If you care to read it, follow this link:
By the way - the memorial for the flowers was FILLED. No one ever took a photo of it at it's fullest.
Thanks for all of your support during this time. I think LauraMax mentioned that after two weeks of losing her friend Cosmo, it was not any easier. I can attest to that. It's not. He was my friend, my confident, and the one being on this earth who loved me without any reservations or questions. No matter what I did or did not do, he was there. His ashes are on my mantle, and I tell him I love him every day.
By the way - the memorial for the flowers was FILLED. No one ever took a photo of it at it's fullest.
Thanks for all of your support during this time. I think LauraMax mentioned that after two weeks of losing her friend Cosmo, it was not any easier. I can attest to that. It's not. He was my friend, my confident, and the one being on this earth who loved me without any reservations or questions. No matter what I did or did not do, he was there. His ashes are on my mantle, and I tell him I love him every day.