Foot bothering me...


Active Member
A couple of days ago I did a step tape (6") and during the workout I started to feel some discomfort at the bottom of my left foot (the arch). Two days later, I am still having the same discomfort. The foot is not swollen and there is no sign of serious injury. I can walk, but I feel some stressing pain.

My questions are:
1) Could this be a muscle acting up ?
2) should I lay off any aerobic activity until the pain goes away or should I continue working out with the hope that in time the muscle (?) will release (just like with other muscle aches)?
3) Could it be that my sneakers are not right for this type of activity ? I live in Israel and I cannot find any "special" aerobic shoes. Here everything is general purpose...

Thanks so much,

Hi Anat,

Your problem could be almost anything, but take it from me, REST YOUR FOOT! It's better to be safe than sorry, if lower impact exercise, such as kickboxing, doesn't bother your foot, try doing it for a few days until your pain goes away. I was hard headed last year when given the same advice and tried to "push through" the pain, and caused myself to have an even worse injury that lasted for 10 weeks! Since then I've learned (the hard way) to listen to my body and listen now!
If kickboxing also bothers your foot, you could increase your weight lifting which is what I did for 4 weeks when I could do no impact at all. I did a rotation of yoga and strength training, and still lost weight during those 4 weeks.
If your foot isn't feeling better in a few days, a week at best, you should get it checked out. If the pain gets worse, get it checked out immediately. But most aches and pains will get better on their own if we just listen and apply some common sense. Low impact or no impact, and a little rest, but if that's not working and you're not feeling like the problem is getting better, then don't pass go~go straight to the Dr.

Let us know how it's going in a day or two :)
Thank you Donna !

The pain feels a bit better today.
Perhaps rest is all I needed....

Thanks again !

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