Fooled by Winsor Pilates commercial


This morning as I was waking up I caught an infomercial on some Winsor Pilates workouts. The announcer said there was only 8 minutes left to save 75% so I dialed so fast and got a DVD with two workouts on it for $9.95. Whew that was close right?

Not so much, I checked the website and that's the special price right now or something.

Anyway, I'm in 2 weddings this summer and trying to slim down a bit, anyone had any luck with Winsor pilates? I'm going to try to find the time to fit it in 3 times a week.
There is more to it than that if you ordered the Fat burning intoductory system DVD. They start sending you two DVD's every other month. You pay $19.95 per DVD plus shipping and handling. Is that the system you ordered?
Hi Brandi.

I have done Windsor Pilates and really liked it...I saw the most results in my was flattening out. It is also great to increase flexibility. Mari annoys a lot of people but I can put up with "annoying personalities" so she never bothered me. lol

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Almost all infomercials seem to say "call in the next X minutes to take advantage of this deal," but it's hooey! You can call anytime or log on to a web site, and get the same deal. It's a pressure tactic to get more people to call before they think the better of it (and I see that it works!).
Yes, that's the one I ordered, the one where they will continue to send more for $19.95. I will cancel as soon as I get my order, unless I decide I want more. And yep, they got me...I've never ordered from an infomercial like that before:p

Oh well, I'm excited to try it out. Thanks:)
Those infomercials get me too...I got a really crappy set of knives for around $50 (saved $200 - wrong). But I did order the "Set it and Forget it" Rotiserrie...which I love. Although it was funny when I opened the box because it had stickers everywhere saying "don't take set it and forget it literally." Ha, you just have to have fun with it.:7
I'm not crazy about my Winsor Pilates DVD. Mari is obnoxious. The ab routine is pretty tough, though.
Kathryn is right! It's a little "secret" you learn (by having ordered from TV too often lol). Whenever an infomercial says "call in the next 15 min" or "be one of the next 500 callers" it's a total crock. Whatever they are offerring as a bonus or special is likely valid for everyone at anytime.

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