food combining


I hear all this great stuff about food combining. Has anyone tried it? The basic philosophy is to keep fruit, protein and carbs seperated when eating. Any opinions? Thanks, Cookiebaby
I haven't heard much about it.Isn't that Suzanne Sommers? The only thing that I heard was that it wasn't any good.But it didn't seem to one of those things that alot of people tried.Or I never seen much about it on T.V.
Seriously, I have to agree with everyone else.Calories in v.s calories out.Thats what I am doing now.I am going to drive some out....I get sick when I think about all the choclate I ate over christmas.But oddly enough I don't think I gained any weight.But I am afraid to get on the scale.
I don't think I helped you very much.Just wanted to respond cause you were here all by yourself.;-)
Have a good day,
The Beverly Hills Diet also used this method. I think it's silly, but it can help you lose weight if it makes you eat less. I think it works like this: "Well, I could eat more, but not if it's watermelon again." So, you don't eat more. I did the diet in my twenties when I was not even fat. But still I lost eleven pounds. I am 5'8" and I went from 130 to 119. But as a regular diet, the food combining stuff has no scientific validity.
I have the book called something like "Food combining for good health" and I think it makes alot of sense. The book has been out for years and is not some fad Beverly hills diet thing. You maybe able to find it on I do not follow any diet, but I refer to every now and then and it provides a chart to what foods to combine for a meal. I think it is well worth a look.

I have not read the book and I'm not totally sure about it, but the way I see it, nothing is pure protein, carbohydrate, etc. in real food. Grain has some protein, milk has some carbohydrate, etc. so it's an artificial division of food into these categories.

What are the basic premises of the book, bethmeira? I am interested.
I'll have to go pull the book from the bookcase. I'm not very good with nutrition stuff and it would be better coming straight from the author's mouth. I'll try and remember to do it this weekend.

If you're interested in the concept, you might want to look into Natural Hygiene, which is a way of eating and living that promotes health (including fasting, nude sunbathing, and colonics, I believe). It's been around for a long time, at least since the 50's. There are charts available that show which food groups supposedly combine for best digestion (they differentiate between differnt types of vegetables, for example). I'm not "into" Natural Hygiene, but when I worked in a food co-op in the 70's, I read alot about all differnt kinds of natural ways of eating.

Several eating programs promote food combining "food for life" and Susanne Sommers Sommersize and two I know of (I think food for life would be more credible).

Of course, humans didn't evolve eating proteins separate from starches, etc., so there's really no need to eat that way. I'd wonder if doing so over the long run would make you less able to digest mixed meals?
It works

Food combining works but is hard to maintain long term... Overall I would prefer to stick to a balanced lifelong diet plan rather than a method that only works for short term. To be successful with food combining, you really have to think about the food combinations all of the time. Can't eat sandwiches because you will mix proteins with carbos. Its not easy!
Here's the name of the Book I mentioned "Food Combing for Health" by Doris Grant & Jean Joice. You may want to see if your library has a copy for you to look at. The concept makes sense to me. I'd recommend the book.


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