Folic Acid?


Hi everyone! I think I've just about decided to jump out of the boat and into the raging sea of maternity! Some of your names look familiar here but it looks like I'll be getting to know some new 'faces' too.

I have a question about folic acid, maybe someone could help me. I was looking in Wal-Mart yesterday and one bottle of folic acid had 400 mcg doses and another bottle had 800 mcg doses, both bottles said to take one a day. I looked at the bottle of multi-vitamins I was supposed to be taking for the past year (my husband keeps putting the bottle back on top of the 'fridge and I'm so short so, out of sight, out of mind) and it said each pill contains 400 mcg of folate. Would it be way too much to take 800 mcg a day? Should I take 400 mcg in the morning and another 400 at night? Is it water soluble like Vit C or is it possible to actually take too much and have problems?

One more thing, I was excited to read that folate is good to help build up your red blood cell supply because I was just on my way home from donating blood! Unfortunately, that's one passion I'll have to put on the shelf once I've achieved fertilization. Anyway, should I be taking folic acid whether or not I'm planning to get pregnant? Thanks for any help you can offer!
I'm not sure how much you should be taking (I'll try to remember to check out my pre-nates tonight and see what they are). But, I have read that folic acid is water soluble -- so you can't ingest too much (unlike vit a, I think). Folic ccid is what can help prevent neural tube defects, which would occur during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy -- so it's REALLY important to take it PRIOR to getting pregnant. On the positive side, I just read how since they've started adding folic acid as a supplement (that's not the right word, but preggo-brain is getting to me at the moment) in breads, pastas and cereals, that the rate of neural tube defects has been cut in half.

Lucy K, EDD 11-14
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-01 AT 12:28PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Brinley, didn't I give you my lecture on teenagers yet???? :eek: It's ok, no one ever listens! I would take 400 mcg twice a day. Folic acid, B-12, iron are all used to build blood cells. Careful with iron supplements they give you while pregnant, they can be constipating. I heard from a gyn that prune juice is an excellent source of iron, and obviously not constipating. It's better than beef. Get all your nutrients up to the max and then get pregnant if you have a choice. And try not to think about teenagers for awhile.

Hey ladies, thanks for the info and advice! My aunt once had a neural tube pregnancy several years ago, it was very hard on her. That's great that they're distributing folic acid in more foods than before. When I went to give blood on Tuesday, we got a package of free stuff that had been donated and one thing I got was a toothpaste squeezer with the saying "Folic Acid - Get it Now". I didn't even realize it said that until after I got home from Wal-Mart with my bottle of folic acid pills!

Hey Mogambo! I've read that prune juice is great for iron too and a warrior's drink to boot (Star Trek reference)! I did have my 800 mcg of folic acid today, 400 in the morning and 400 at night. Yeah, I'm trying not to think about teenagers at the moment. I'll tell you one thing, if it's a girl, she won't be listening to any boy bands and if it's a boy, he won't be hanging Brittany Spears posters on his wall! Sheeesh! They will, however, grow up with fond memories of the Planetarium! Can't wait for all that kind of stuff! I just hope they're born with a good attention span and lots of curiosity, nothing like an impatient child to make you want to pull your hair out! I figure kids are like a box of chocolates.......oh the risk!

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