Flu and rotations


Hi, Cathe! Hope you are feeling okay. Those last weeks are so exciting and exhausting, aren't they?

Just a quick question for ya (okay, maybe two!) I started a rotation with PS 6 weeks ago now planning to do a 12 week rotation. I got the flu the 3rd week in and had to take a week off. When I went back to it on the 4th week was I starting all over again? In other words, would I continue with PS for another 7 or another 9 weeks? Hope that made sense. Also, I'm at probably an intermediate level with strength and I don't lift very heavy. Is it better to do PS twice weekly to build strength if I'm lifting lighter weights or is once enough as long as I'm still feeling challenged? Thanks for all the time you spend answering all of these questions. I've learned so much just by reading your answers regularly. Thanks again and my very best wishes to you and your family!
Hi Jackie! No need to worry about being so exact with your rotation weeks. Let your body do the talking. If you feel that you are really feeling great on a rotation and want to continue, do so. On the other hand, if after 3 to 6 weeks on a rotation, you don't feel that you are headed in the direction you desire, switch to another one.

As far as how many times to do PS, again, you need to simply listen to your body. If you normally lift lighter weights and are challenged with this weight selection, then you should start with using the series just once a week and see how that works for you. If you feel that you would like to see more results after about 4 weeks, then increase the series to two times per week.

Take Care:)!

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