Five Fingers Shoes by Vibram


Hello All,

I purchased a pair of these shoes (Sprint model) about 2 weeks ago and began working out in them. So far I'm enjoying them although they do engage your foot and lower leg muscles differently. They mimic barefeet and keep your toes from being squished together.

I am going to begin training for my first marathon which takes place on 10/31/10 and wondered if anyone has any experience with running/distance running in them?

All the best,

I have been training in Nike Frees and Zoot racers which are fairly minimalist, but am interested in the Vibrams. I'm planning on checking them out in person soon, and will likely either get a pair of the KSO's or go with some waffles (XC spikeless racing flats - same idea, but substantially cheaper than Vibrams).

I'd love to hear how you like running in them!
I have been running in Vibram FFs and/or New Balance WMT 100s (a very minimal trail shoe). My advice: TAKE IT SLOW.

I still haven't gotten to the point where I can run the same mileage I could in standard running shoes in my VFFs, and I started incorporating some barefoot training last year. I've been incorporating longer and longer barefoot/VFF runs into my schedule, but keep up my mileage in a slightly more supportive shoe.

A short run for me is 4 or 5 miles. I decided to make my first VFF run around 3 miles and it was murder on my Achilles tendon. Now I shorten my regular run and tack on one or two barefoot miles at the end, or do an easy 2 miles barefoot on my rest day. I have had to change my running technique, and my body is still adapting. However, all the barefoot training has really improved pretty much everything I do - running, kettlebells, kickboxing, everything! A lot of chronic pains and injuries have gone away and my feet and lower legs have gotten much stronger.

It takes a while to get used to running barefoot, is what I'm saying. Just take it easy and if you feel up to a barefoot marathon next October, more power to you! If not, there's always next time!
I've experimented with barefoot and minimalist running. I agree with Afreet - take it really slow. I attended a ChiRunning workshop last fall and the instructor is a seasoned marathon runner and wears 5fingers for many runs, but even he stopped short of running a marathon distance in them.

His reasoning is that as you fatique, maintaining proper form is harder and harder and barefoot running is unforgiving of form breaks. Better to have some cushion in your shoe to give you some room for imperfect form for those very long distances.
Thanks ladies for all your feedback. The sales clerk did tell me to be very careful running in them and to build up to it, but I like the option of a 'minimalist' shoe. I'm so greatful for Cathe's forums--I knew there would be helpful feedback if I posted.

Thanks Again,


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