

I noticed that Fitprime has a new Susan Harris and a Rebounder workout. I checked the previews and they look interesting. Has anyone tried these workouts? Are they worth purchasing? Also, what are your favorite Fitprimes? I have always liked Tracy Long.

Thanks in advance for any advice on these.
I also have just finished looking at these and they actually look pretty good, especially the rebounder tape. I really wish they were in DVD though. I hope we can get some feedback about these.:)
I just got Strong Bear on Roe's recommendation and really like it, having done it twice so far. It uses a lot of different compound movements, balance challenges, and eccentric (negative) emphasis that wake up my body, and it has a good flow. I use more weight than they do on most things in order to get a bit more exhaustion in certain muscle groups. There are some very thorough break downs of the tape in reviews both here and at sorry I don't know how to do a link for you. I would say it has more of a lower body emphasis.

I have all except the last two (Crunch Time and Rebounder). I like them all except Steamin' Cardio. I don't sweat enough on that one. Strong Bear and Fast Cheetah are both good. I wasn't too impressed by the Crunch Time preview on the website. I think that it is because it is just the beginning - not selected portions. I will most likely order Crunch Time and Floor Yoga in August - when Floor Yoga is released.
I love Crunch Time. Susan is still an amazing exercise video leader with an equally amazing body. This workout has some great core work and balance challenges along with traditional strength training. I can even do the tall box climb, alternating bicep curl segment with 12-15 lb dumbbells, so that gives you an idea of how slow and controlled the music tempo is to allow for this.

My favorite FitPrmes are Fast Cheeta, Crunch Time, and From the Ground Up. I like Strong Bear, but it hasn't wowed me like the others. I don't know why either because it is very good. It just isn't one I reach for a lot.

I was one of the first to receive my copy of Crunch Time. I've done it several times and LOVE it more every time. It has sections that remind me of her Vol#1. TOUGH, yet fun! I highly recommend it. I also like Tracie's Weights First. Very tough lower body work in that one.

My next purchase (for my birthday) will be G-Force and a rebounder. HTH. .....Janice
I just received the rebounder video, and it's great! Lots of fun moves, motivating music, and Tracie is really having fun in this one. The only thing I don't like is that the chest/tricep work are moves I don't like (push-ups and tricep dips), and there is no direct shoulder work. I have about 10 other rebounder workouts, and this one looks like it's the best!
Thanks for all the information everybody. The fitprime workouts you have mentioned sound very interesting. I just wish they were in DVD. I really want one of those expensive rebounders from fitprime. My only concern is the lack of workouts so far. My question is- Is the Reboundair the new Step Co. step? Rebounding looks like so much fun. I hope its popularity takes off, and Cathe starts making rebounding workouts. I also hope fitprime will continue to make rebounding workouts!:9 What do you guys think?
Oh no ladies, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT make me whip out my credit card and buy a rebounder and new videos!! :7 Actually, when I first got serious about working out, it was jogging on a mini trampoline... those $20-$30 versions you could buy at a Service Merchandise or other similar dept. store. The springs used to break all the time and I'd have to buy new springs and eventually new trampolines! I lost 50 lbs by rebounding and strength training, then found workout videos.

Rebounding is a lot of fun! If you have the money to spend, I say go for it.

Roe and others,

Based on your positive review I bought SB and am really liking it. I was going to stop there, but now I'm wondering about a couple of the others. Do any of them have a more upper body emphasis? That would complement SB, in my opinion. Not looking for cardio here, just something like SB is style. TIA.

Also suffering from rebounder temptation, but my house already runneth over with workout stuff...if my college-going son ever really cleans out his room, watch out!

Is there a preview clip available anywhere?

I haven't bought a FIRM video in years but LOVED the original Volume I -- it was my first-ever serious workout video. (Who can forget "Now isn't this better than dieting?") Is there a site where there are video clips available to preview of Susan's new workouts? And speaking of Susan Harris, why is she now spelling her name Suzan Harris? On the FitPrime website it's even spelled both ways. Odd! Kathy S.

You're very welcome sweetie. I believe she's in her early 40's but not sure exactly. I met her in Hilton Head and she looks just beautiful. She's very nice and loves to help. No DVD's yet.tho(Sadly) Janice


I have all of the FP and love them! They are planning on DVDs but not sure exactly when. They also want to use the rebounder in all upcoming videos. I just received G Force last week and love it! I have done it 3x, which is a record for me. I love variety, which is why I have 150 videos! I can't wait for more rebounding videos. Crunch Time is also a great wo. My other favorite is Strong Bear w Tracie. Fast Cheetah was made to complement SB. For some reason Anna's Firms and FitPrimes emphasize more lower body. When I discovered Cathe after doing years of Firm I was able to keep right up w her w leg work but had to work on building my upper body strength.After doing Cathe for almost a year now I can do full body pushups and am much stronger in upper body. I think using FP and Cathe together is a great combo! That was my rotation last week.

>I have all of the FP and love them! They are planning on DVDs
>but not sure exactly when. They also want to use the rebounder
>in all upcoming videos. I just received G Force last week and
>love it! I have done it 3x, which is a record for me. I love
>variety, which is why I have 150 videos! I can't wait for more
>rebounding videos.

I'm happy to hear about DVD. When I was doing "G-Force" I was thinking how great it would be to have it on DVD so I could repeat some of the fun rebounder segments.

Rebounder in ALL their new workouts? Yippee! That's great news for those of us who have rebounders! I'm wondering, though, if they'll change their minds once they get feedback from people who don't want to buy a rebounder.

I also love variety, and am constantly at 100+ videos and DVD's, even with occasional cleaning out! I had only previewed "G-Force" and I was already wanting a second rebounder workout from the Firm. I think they've found their niche!

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