fitness magazines

I am interested in which health/fitness mags you guys think are the best. There are so many! Health, Fitness, Shape, Muscle & Ftiness for her, Oxygen... just wanted to see what everyone is reading these days!

Healthy Regards,
Sara :0)
I only read Runner's World and Muscle&Fitness Her's

You're right though, there seems to be a lot of fitness mags out there these days!

I read Muscle and Fitness Hers....some of the ads are kindy hokey but there arent as many of them as there are in some other magazines and you definitely dont get any of the "lose weight while you pig out on chips and paint your nails" type of articles like you see in some others.

At my gym, we call Muscle and Fitness -- Muscle and Fiction. We actually recommend clients read Shape and no other. It seems to fit clients searching "general fitness" which is what our membership is.

Has anyone else read the "Energy" magazine? I think it's new, but I really liked it. Does anyone know how often it will be released?
I read Muscle & Fitness Hers and Shape. I read Self once in a while, but their models are disgustingly thin. I don't like the exercise articles in there whare they have all these pictues of models holiding dinky weights, and the models don't look like they've ever lifted a weight. I prefer some of the more muscular looks in Shape and M&F Hers.

I've never read Oxygen, but a lot of people on the FIRM forum have complained that it's basically an advertisement for Hydroxycut. It's never looked particularly interesting to me, so I've never bothered to pick it up.
I read M&F Hers, Shape, Fitness and Prevention. I have to admit that in most issues there is something useful to me (info wise), but that is probably because I am still so new to working out/healthy eating, etc., so there is much for me to learn. I think the most informative in regards working out would be a toss up between M&F Hers and Shape, and Fitness and Prevention are the most informative in regards healthy eating, and health in general.
I think Cooking Light is a terrific magazine for recipes light on fat and calories. It usually includes a little fitness section, but it's really useful for dieting. One of its best features is from readers who send in their favorite-but-super-fattening recipe for a makeover. I often try these recipes and they are delicious.
RE: Energy

I checked one out when I was waiting for my husband to get out of surgery a few weeks back (just arthroscopic on his knee, nothing too serious :) and I thought it was awful!! It was like one big ad for EAS (who writes, edits & sells the mag btw)

just my opinion - marnie
Hi, I read M&F Hers, Shape, Fitness, Fit, Health, Prevention, and Self. I like all of these, I totally agree about Oxygen, it is an advertisement for Hydroxycut, it almost made me want to take it and it's the most expensive one. :)
Why not read them all? I have subscriptions to Muscle & Fitness Hers, Oxygen and Walking, but I also read every issue (thanks to my library) of Runner's World, Shape, Health, Fitness and Muscle & Fitness. You get great information from all of them and pictorial motivation. A lot of them do repeat sometimes, but there are many other new things to learn about too. I do stay away from Flex, and most of the other "guy" mags because they seem to have mostly half naked women in them, if they were supposed to be a health magazine, I missed that point!
I am with you, I read a lot of them! I actually like muscle media which is yes... owned by EAS! But, I think they have a lot of great info in there. Every magazine has it's good and bad and they sure do advertise the products they own, but they also do have some good info. I am a fitness magazine junkie, I love as much fitness info as I can get my hands on!
I read all of these fitness magazines, too, but I have to admit I'm getting really sick of "advertorials" for Hydroxycut! And ads for other supplements are getting almost as bad.

My question is, whatever happened to "Fit" magazine (not "Fitness")? All of a sudden I noticed I hadn't gotten it in a while; I don't know when it stopped coming and it's not on the stands, either. Unfortunately, I didn't save any back issues, so I can't contact them. I'm a little annoyed because I'm quite sure I had many months left on my subscription.

Does anyone know what happened or where to contact them?

>I read all of these fitness
>magazines, too, but I have
>to admit I'm getting really
>sick of "advertorials" for Hydroxycut!
>And ads for other supplements
>are getting almost as bad.
>My question is, whatever happened to
>"Fit" magazine (not "Fitness")?
>All of a sudden I
>noticed I hadn't gotten it
>in a while; I don't
>know when it stopped coming
>and it's not on the
>stands, either. Unfortunately, I
>didn't save any back issues,
>so I can't contact them.
> I'm a little annoyed
>because I'm quite sure I
>had many months left on
>my subscription.
>Does anyone know what happened or
>where to contact them?

Cheryl, Hi, I too am a subscriber to Fit and saved a couple of mine, I looked at the inside cover and found a 1-800 number here it is: 1-800-877-5366, I haven't received a new copy either, I'm hoping their still in business because I have a lot of issues left too, let us know, thanks.
I was wondering whatever happened to my Fit Magazine subscription. I too just stopped receiving it. I tried the 800 number and it just keeps ringing or I get a busy signal. The only other thing I know is the publisher is Goodman Media Group, Inc. 419 Park Avenue, South, New York, NY 10016. I was thinking of writing them to see what happened.
>I was wondering whatever happened to
>my Fit Magazine subscription.
>I too just stopped receiving
>it. I tried the
>800 number and it just
>keeps ringing or I get
>a busy signal. The
>only other thing I know
>is the publisher is Goodman
>Media Group, Inc. 419 Park
>Avenue, South, New York, NY
> 10016. I was
>thinking of writing them to
>see what happened.

Debbie, Hi, I just tried to dial too and your right it just kept ringing...I hope their still in business and if not I hope we get our money back...take care
>I was wondering whatever happened to
>my Fit Magazine subscription.
>I too just stopped receiving
>it. I tried the
>800 number and it just
>keeps ringing or I get
>a busy signal. The
>only other thing I know
>is the publisher is Goodman
>Media Group, Inc. 419 Park
>Avenue, South, New York, NY
> 10016. I was
>thinking of writing them to
>see what happened.

Debbie, Hi, I just tried to dial too and your right it just kept ringing...I hope their still in business and if not I hope we get our money back...take care

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