Fitness magazine


Hey guys I just wanted to recomend reading the June 2006 Issue of Fitness magazine. Has some good stuff in it this month.
my subscription goes to my mom's i just haven't gotten there yet. i do enjoy the workouts they put in there. i buy sheet protectors and have this huge binder where i save all the workouts when i am done with the magazine. i save some of the fitness and nutrition articles too.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Yes, I agree, their workouts are good. This issue tho, has some great recipies, and 10 foods that are helpful for thoes of us trying to get rid of that belly flab. There's also an article about "pressure points" to relieve stress etc..
I like fitness magazine tho, because on every other page, there isn't an ad for fat loss pills, there are some, but not as many as some magazines.
I also bought this issue just for the recipes it has. I am always looking for healthy breakfast ideas for harried weekday mornings and four kids to get ready for school.

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