Fitness instructor??

THanks for any help that you can give. I am interested in becoming a fitness instructor. I know that you have to get certified. What does that really mean? WHat are the licensing agencies? What do you have to do? Again, I would really appreciate any information that you can give (including websites). Thanks!
Here's some that you can check out:


I believe Ace is one of the most recognized certifications. Getting certified means that you've completed specific requirements and passed certain competencies to qualify you to Personal Train or teach group aerobics, kickboxing, etc. Also many places require different certifications as part of their hiring prerequisites.

You might check out these sites and hopefully find more information. I know there are a lot of people on this forum that are certified so they can probably give you more insight. Perhaps these links will help get you started.

Hi, MollyandBecky - Jo is totally correct that ACE (American Council on Exercise) is the most widely sought-after certification, especially for group fitness instructors. ACE also has separate certifications for personal trainers, lifestyle management specialists, and Clinical Exercise Specialists, which is kind of Personal Training writ large (you have to have hundreds of contact hours with clients, and pass an even grislier test).

I've been ACE-certified in Group Fitness Instruction (formerly referred to as Aerobics Instruction) since 02/97.

For ACE group fitness instruction, you have to be 18 years or older, and have to have a valid CPR certification at the time you take your test. You read a really thick textbook filled with really thick words and concepts such as exercise physiology, anatomy, biomechanics and applied kinesiology, nutrition, class program design, modes of GFI, etc. Personal training includes a lot of the same basic information but then goes into individual client training design. You then have to pass the certification test, given many times throughout the year. To maintain certification you have to get continuing ed credits every two years as well, and maintain your CPR.

For Group Fitness Instruction, in order to get in with a club or other venue that offers classes, you might also need to get a separate cert in the mode(s) you wish to teach (step, kickbox, indoor cycling, Pilates, etc.). There are a ton of secondary certs out there, some of questionable value.

I'd suggest contacting the websites Jo listed above, AND log onto the Turnstep website for fitness professionals (, and go onto its Bulletin Boards and post your detailed questions about getting certified, getting trained and getting hired.

Good luck! Group fitness instruction is really fun! There can be a few thousand hassles, but I've been doing it for over eight years and I still love it!


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