Fitday question


Hi! I just signed up to use Fitday. I have a few questions for anyone who uses it...

-what do you put down for any type of Cathe or kickboxing workout? For today, I just put in Slimnastics.
-Is there a way to pull up foods that I also ate yesterday without having to go through and get them all from scratch?

Any help would be appreciated.

I am also comtemplating joining Weight Watchers online-I do not have time to go to weekly meetings right now (and I am disciplined to follow it-especially if I pay to join:7 ). For anyone who is doing just the online version, is it easy to log what you eat? And, do you recommend it? I am curious, but I want to do a little research before joining. I have about 10-15 pounds to lose, and it hasn't budged all year. I know it has to do with my eating habitsx(

I am a member of WW on line and highly recommend it if you do not want/need to attend meetings. I found the journaling quite easy. You can journal on line or print blank pages of the journal and write it down manually.

I lost 23 pounds on line!:7
Good luck!:D
I have been an on line member for about six months and I really like it. The journalizing is really easy with points being awarded for food and exercise and a data base to look everything up. I was a meetings member before joining on line so I am not sure how they give you all the info needed to understand the program. The boards are helpful when starting out because there always seems to be someone who knows the answer to any question. Good Luck!
I use Fitday quite frequently. Under the add recent box is a list of your most current food choices that you made. Just click your mouse on the down arrow and you will see the most recent foods you have added. I'm not sure how far back the list goes.
I actually just cancelled my WW online account-but for good reasons. I lost the 15 pounds that I put on during an injury. It worked great for me and I really liked it. It was very easy once you got the hang of the points. If it was up to me I would have kept my account open but I just can't continue the membership fee right now(saving for wedding).

I highly recommend it. I am so thankful that I joined in the first place. What got me to join was that I was sitting at work and I was disgusted that my pants felt tight around the waist!! I am happy with where I am right now but if I could I would like to lose another 5-7 pounds. After using the program for a while you really get used to portion sizes and you have a very good idea of what you should and shouldn't eat all the time. I never EVER used to eat fruit but now I eat a banana, apple and orange everyday-sometimes strawberries too. I also started eating Kellog's All Bran, which at first I had a hard time eating but now I actually like it.

Anyway-seems I went on a little bit too much-sorry! Seriously though, you should try it. You will not regret it! If you want to chat about it or if you need tips, I am full of them so please don't hesitate to email me.
Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.
Hi there, for my Cathe activities I usually click on high impact aerobic dance I think it's called. I actually e-mailed them and suggested they add a "kickbox" to click on! For her weight training I click on "weight training heavy" (or something like that!)
As suggested under recent foods you will find all foods you have added. If you need to go back farther click on "more recent foods" and then go through that way.
Good luck with whatever you choose! Susan

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