Fit moms-easter/post easter week


Hi all,
Melanie, I am glad you have Justin on a nap schedule that allows you to work out. I am sorry your hubby is still sick but I am glad his emotional issues have been diagnosed. Has he looked for a counselor?
Emy, you will not be able to resist girl clothes. oh and yes, Alexis is on the thin size. Her height is in the 5% but her weight is still slightly below the chart. She doesn't look skinny though and has a tiny belly but she doesn't have the meat of most other toddlers. Her current size is 12 months. I was a thin child with a great metabolism until I hit adolescence.
Autumn, I hope your shoulder is doing better.
Hi to Briee, Maggie, and all you other fitmoms as well.

Workouts for last week:
Sunday-gym style- timesaver for shoulders, triceps+ chest blast only from imax3
Mon-gym style-timesaver-biceps and back+ blasts from kickmax+ cardio from high step adv.
Tues-gymstle legs-timesaver premix +leg drills from kickmax
Wed-sjp-hi/lo and step premix+stepblast challenge and blasts +abs
Thurs-Hardcore extreme-circuit
Friday-off -travel day-left town for easter
Sat- christi-strength,balance and flexibility(was away from home
Hi ladies! My shoulder is 100% (knock on wood). Now, my knees are bothering me. Furstrating, but I am still working out. I have a spinning bike now, and when I first begin my ride my knees pop and crunch and then are fine... when I finish my spinning my knees feel perfect... I must be stepping with incorrect form. Last week I did a spinning video two days, MuscleMax 1 day, and CardioKicks.

Melanie, I am so sorry you and your husband are going through a difficult time. Bipolar can be challenging to live with for him and YOU! I hope and pray your husband finds the help he needs!

Emy, girl shopping is sooooo much fun and I don't like to shop. ;) I really need to go through the boxes of clothes I saved "just in case we had a girl" and donate them. I am adding that to my grwoing "to do" list. ;)

Shopaholic, I think Sydney weighed 18 pounds from 1 year to 18 months... we thought she was going to be rear-facing forever. :)

Little Miss Sydney was in a wedding this weekend... I will share pics when my DH sizes them (something like that). We are preparing for Jordan's christening this week... of course we have waited until the last minute to find an outfit.

I hope all of you had a nice Easter!

Take care!
Hi everyone!

rat race here:p :p , so I don't have time to post much.

I am trying to lose the last 7 lbs--7! that's all, but it is stubborn.

I joined WW again, just for some accountability. I did this for a few months last year when I hit a major plateau. I eat more than they allow me, but I will be able to lose the weight, because I will be forced to make better food choices. (hopefully)

I really am not a diet person, but I've got to get over this hump. I'm obsessing on it.

take care all
Emy, hope you are doing well.I recommend buying a convertible crib/toddler bed . Move Max into that, give your baby girl Max's crib and then later on change it to a toddler bed. I think a toddler(or the parents) needs the security of a crib until at least 1 1/2. How are you feeling?
Autumn, we finally moved Alexis around dspite that she was under 20 pounds , our car seat didn't seem secure rear facing(its a convertible) and she was getting too tall. Glad your shoulder is feeling better.
Maggie, how big is bardric now.? Good luck with those last 6 pounds. How much have you lost in all?
Melanie, hope you are doing ok. Sorry things have been so rough for you.

Does anyone else's child love american idol? Alexis loves the show and dances and claps to the music.
Hi there-

Bardric is 25 lbs now. He has not gained much this 2nd year of life. He is no longer in the 95th percentile (of his birth and first few months). Now he is in the 45th percentile. He is very, very active!!!

I have lost 43 lbs (since 2 weeks post partum) and am so close to a size 4 that I can taste it (I do have one size 4 pair of pants, but I'm pretty sure that some major vanity sizing is going on:p)

I have never seen American Idol, only a spoof of it at the end of Shrek 2 called Far Far Away Idol, which is pretty (albeit irreverently) funny.

We don't have a TV anymore, only the DVD/VCR "moniter" down stairs where I work out and where the kids watch movies.

take care
I will look into a toddler crib/bed for Max - hadn't thought of that one. Also, Max likes American Idol, too, the singing part at least. But heck, he seems to like tv in general. His favorite is the Wiggles and his Baby Galileo video. It's harder to keep the tv off for him now that I am pregnant. It is such easy entertainment, but I surely am creating a monster by allowing this habit! Oh, and Max is 28 pounds and 32 inches. I think I mentioned his weight before, but not his height.

How big is Noah, we never hear about him? Thinking of you, Melanie, hope you are doing better.
Hi guys. Guess I haven't been giving many reports on Noah...better catch up. He's a sweetheart, he says all kinds of things, dad-dad, tyer (meaning Tyler), and he lets you know EXACTLY what he wants by pointing and screaming VERY LOUD. First thing in the morning he points at the counter and screams very loud...meaning "I want cheerios in a bowl with a spoon.....NOW". He has long little blonde curls in back which I CAN'T cut...but the kids put them in a pony tail the other day to let me know that they NEED to be cut soon or they will be calling him "Noahelle". He and Hannah (our terror almost three year old) have become dear partners in crime. I came into the room the other day and Hannah had scissors in her hand ready to cut his hair. Two day later she cut hers instead...turned out very nice, until she tried again and ruined it. She has kind of the Mel Gibson "braveheart" hairdo currently. (Anyone see that video??). Noah is a major light sleeper which makes me a little crazy. I have NO idea what he weighs....(Tyler's -my oldest- first well baby visit was when turned 12 and I mentioned that I was a few visits behind). My guess is about 22 pounds or so...I'll have to get him on a scale!! I keep thinking he's a toddler now.

I have never seen American Idol, we don't have TV either (just a DVD player). We don't get ANY channels up on our hill and the only thing I miss is the world news....I think it was two days before I heard about the tsunami...very sad. The kids can, on the other hand, quote much of Veggie tales...something I wouldn't let them watch for many years, but after caving in, I myself became a sucked into them. Can't wait for "Lord of the Beans" (heard of this one yet Maggie???)

Workouts...I'll have to get my book. My strep throat came back AGAIN and this time I battled it with garlic/vitamin C every 2-3 hours all day and all night. I'm finally feeling better today. On Thursday I felt so bad that I did all my favorite Cathe intervals to try to burn it out. Anyone have an opinion on this theory?? I figured if I rose my body temperature enough the bacteria would be forced to die....sounds logical right??? Whatever the theory...I did start to feel better after my killer interval workout, sweaty, but better.

Did we miss a week of fitmom posting....this was the week I had a great workout week...right in between my two bouts of strep throat ;( ;( .

Briee (I turned 40 today and am feeling.....OLD)
Briee, Is today really your birthday? Are you really 40? Happy Birthday! My husband turned 30 on Wednesday actually. He claims not to care. Those round number sure are more significant. Do you really feel OLD like you said or just sick/tired? Hope the strep stays away now...
Emy you're I know I'm way too sarcastic most of the time because you're doubting me...or could it be because I was born on April fool's day. (and you needn't comment on this - I've heard if all before:p :p :p ). I think you're right...those round numbers are tough to handle. I normally could care less about age...but 40 sounds so old right now. NO, I don't really FEEL old - but it sounds SO old. If it's any consulation...I can do more pullups now then I could when I was 30, or 20 for that matter. I think I can spit further too (children have interesting competitions don't they?). And yes I do think it was being sick on top of it...I'm better today and thanks :7 :7 :7 .

Guess who's pregnant?

Hi ladies. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Everyone is so good to me here!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don't know what I would do if I didn't have God in my life, leading me the way. Anyway, life will & has gotten better already. :)

I began my running this past week. I ran 2 miles twice & 3 miles once. It felt good. Very good.

Then a couple of nights ago I began getting sick to my tummy & tired. I'm fighting off a cold, but took a pregnancy test. I'm barely pregnant. I say barely b/c as my calculations go I'm due around December 8th. I hesitate to even say anything b/c it's so soon. Anyway, there it is. You guys are the first to know. It's nice having cyberbuddies, isn't it?!?!?!?!

Just found out yesterday. :) Now, someone remind me how long the nausea lasts?!?!?

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Congratulations, Melanie!

We're currently trying for #3. I always think in my head, "If I get pregnant today, my baby will be due..." and this month would be the end of December, so maybe I'll be joining you soon!:)
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Melanie.....BIG CONGRATULATIONS...I'm so happy for you!! Hopefully you won't feel bad for too long!! Maggie...your next.

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Congratulations Melanie!!!

Hi Smiley!!!

Happy Birthday Briee!!!

I have not heard of the Lord of the Beans, but it sounds funny, especially if it spoofs Lord of the Rings which has been a favorite in this house, both the books and the movies.

We've been hoping for a Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd Looney Toons style spoof of Lord of the Rings, but anyway.......

No pregnancy here, but I'm currently on my period, which was extremely late. I am actually relieved that I am not because I had an abdominal cat scan earlier in the month and they gave me radioactive iodine (which I had a terrible allergic reaction tox( ), but did not tell me how dangerous radioactive iodine would be to a developing baby. If I was pregnant, I probably would have miscarried or the baby could have been born with terrible birth defects. I would have felt terribly guilty for putting our unborn child at risk.

Just suffice it to say that I am highly relieved that my period came at last.

take care
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Thank you for congrats,

Remind me again when your due Emy? I forget. I think you must be about 1/2 was by now? Maybe further... Baby Justin likes Baby Einstein moves. Jory likes Veggie Tales. Emy, have you posted at all at pregnant mom check in?

Let's see, Shopaholic I agree with you about turning the car seat around. It's so difficult to keep them facing backwards, you did really good waiting that long! Baby Justin has thinned way down. He's 24 lbs now & he's in many 12mos clothes. He's not the chunky baby he once was. He still wants to nurse all the time. He's not sleeping through the night yet either. Urgh!!

Briee, happy birthday girl!!!! You are much spunkier & energetic than many of my "young" friends. Do you think you guys will go for number 7 is it? Just curious. Noah sounds so cute.

Maggie, you are AWESOME with your weight loss. Simply outstanding. Plus you have such a positive outlook. Did I read in the forum that you are now a size 4? At 5'8" I'll never be a petetie 4. I am at an all time low weight of 130. I was about 118lbs when I got married (at 18). I think I was way too thin then. "Thin then" is that grammically correct to put next to one another? ;)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi Melanie

I love those little lilypie counters everyone has now--they are so cute and make it easy to remember how far along everyone is.

No, I'm not a size 4, but I do have one pair of size 4 pants. I am a six by most size charts. A size 4 is my goal. At 5'4", I weigh 132 and am a size 6, so I must have more muscle, because years ago, I weighed about 125 to be a size 6 and about 119-120 to be a size 4. My goal is 125--I think at that weight I will be my coveted size 4, but any thinner and my hubby will be protesting. He does not want me to lose any more weight as it is. Just his preference:p.

But I've been plateaued so long, I'm disgustedx(

take care
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Hi ladies!

CONGRATULATIONS Melanie! I am soooo jealous! I really think we are going to try for #3. I am still hesitant though. We are going to wait until Jordy Bug is 1 before we try though.

Maggie, I am with you on the plateau. I am stuck between 134-136. UGH! I want to get back to the 120's where I feel better. I was 130 when I got pregnant with Jordy Bug, so I try to focus on the fact that I only have 4-6 to lose. I weighed 120 when I got pregnant with Sydney and actually returned to my prepreg weight by 7 mos. post-partum. Grad school helped me gain 8 pounds then fertility drugs prevented me from losing it and helped to to 2 more pounds. Frustrating! Anyway, I think 120 is not obtainable at this time, I think (hope) I have more muscle thanks to Cathe and P90X. I would still like to be about 124-128 (I am 5'6"). My friend is trying to talk me into the Curves diet, so I may give this a try. I am desperate. I would like to get the pounds off before getting pregnant again.

Well, my SAHM status is changing... to a small extent. I am going to work prn (as needed) for a county health department's family planning clinic. I am not sure about this. I am going to see if it feels right... I have a clinic tomorrow and Wedenesday. I am experiencing spiritual growing pains (don't want to bore you with details) so I am not sure if this is right for me or not. I don't like the idea of being from my kids. :-(

Gotta run!

Hi to all the moms!

Take care!
RE: Guess who's pregnant?

Maggie, where's YOUR ticker? You forgot to tell me how far along you are. ;)

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94


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