Fit Moms Check in (Week of 8/21-8/27)


Hello SunnyD, Kristan, & Sara!

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Mine went well, but like always it goes by so quickly. DS loved the circus. He doesn’t remember much from going last year except that we bought him a sword. Needless to say that is only thing he asked for this time around too. He is totally into the whole pirate thing, mostly thanks to DH. This weekend was a pivotal point for DD. She is walking a lot more.

Last night I came to the decision that I will put my P90X rotation on hold for a little bit. It makes me so hungry and therefore I am not losing weight, instead I gained 3 pounds. I’m thinking most of this is water weight with TOTM quickly approaching. In any case, I plan to do 2 endurance workouts a week, and 3 or 4 days of cardio and get my eating back under control.

SunnyD – Happy 1st Birthday to Jaden!!! I would add balloons, but I don’t know how to do that. I hope this week goes so much better for you. I’m so sorry to hear about DH’s grandmother passing away!

Kristan – Today is the day for Kay to start K and Audrey to start pre-K! I hope it goes well for them. How are you hanging in there?

I hope everyone has a great week/day! Talk at ya later!!
The girls started school yesterday. They enjoyed going, especially Kay in kndg. My 3yo Audrey jumped right in too; no hestitation at all. I am so looking forward to my 2 days a week with just Gus. While a total handful (he literally seeks out wires to go chew on), he is a delight. He gets tubes next Friday.

Kristi- let us know what changes you see by changing up your routine. I've always been a cardio-n-endurance weight person. Not sure it's ever worked, but I definitely don't see results with heavy weight.

My week was good: a couple of 3-4 mile runs, Kimberly Spreen bootcamp, IMAX 3, and Timesaver #5 (part of KPC). I am so close to weaning; hoping some more weight will come off. I am also sick of big boobs and every guy from the street department staring at me.

I am going to have to change up my work out times to reflect the start of the school year. I won't have as much time on my work days because I have more driving to do, so I am hoping to get in 3 "long" days on M-W-F and maybe a couple of 30 minute work outs on 1 or 2 other days.

We have all sorts of new activities that could be conducive to such a schedule-- soccer practice at a big urban park with a great walking trail, gymnastics at the YMCA, etc.

Uh Oh! We moved to the second page, guess I had better post something. :) Yesterday was a rest day for me. I had some extra time at lunch and decided to visit a couple stores in hopes of buying a cute outfit or two, but alas no luck. Why is it when you have money burning a hole in your pocket, you can't find anything great to spend it on? That seems to always be my dilemma. I guess it could be worse, I could spend way too much!! Anyway, as an early birthday present I preordered the new DVDs and even ordered Terminator yesterday.

Today will have to be another rest day. DD has an appointment with the ENT doctor. She keeps pulling at her ears. I think either her tubes are blocked or she has another ear infection. I guess we will see.

Kristan - I hope Gus's surgery goes well.

Hello to Sara & SunnyD!!

Have a great weekend!! :) :)
hello fitmoms!!

this week was a little better for me for workouts. i got in about 4, so far:) i may go to the gym this evening. i am definitely going in the morning. yesterday i did jari love's slim and lean and i am in love with that workout...;o)

Kristi-Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!:D I am just itching for those new cathe workouts in addition to the new ones from barry's bootcamp. have you seen those? i will pray for dd in hopes there is nothing wrong with her ears.

Kristan- i hope all goes well with Gus.

both my little ones are growing up. elijah is doing great so far in kindergarten and jaden turned one on monday. now the fun really begins, LOL

have a wonderful weekend ladies...
Kristi- I wish you would have sent me some of that money burning a hole in your pocket. I seriously overspent today shopping with a friend. Anthropologie was my downfall. It was all so cute though. I am going to show husband tonight and see if he thinks the items were worth it: a velvet coat, brown silk shirt, brown pencil skirt, clearance blue sweater, and super cool turtleneck, link here:

I really did go planning to go through clearance at Baby Gap; didn't happen.


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