Fit in the Middle (With You)


Okay folks, I've taken it upon myself to give this totally corny (but hopefully somewhat indicative) name to a thread in the open forum that we can use to discuss the issues of exercisers who have achieved the age of 35. Any suggestions for a different name are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED

Based on your responses to my post in the Ask Cathe forum, there seems to be enough interest to try to keep something going. If it's popular and enduring, who knows...perhaps our own dedicated forum like FitMoms.

So, to start things off, I've drawn from some of the responses to start a couple of sub-threads.

I'm looking forward to tapping into the wealth of knowledge out there. But, I promise, if this just isn't going to fly, I'll ride this horse off into the sunset.

Book Suggestions

Okay folks, what nutrition, exercise, "medical" books have you read that have been helpful.

On the other forum, Leela posted about "Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell." I've heard lots about it and would be interested in knowing the approach.

Also, I've been reading "Perimenopause-Changes in A Women's Health After 35." As far as I've read, it's a good blend of science and "conversation" from people who've been there. I would recommend it highly.

Any other suggestions?
"Natural" Therapies

I started taking St. John's Wort about 6 months ago to help control the moodiness I've been experiencing. I did a lot of reading (and can provide websites if people are interested) and from what I could determine, St. John's is a safe alternative if you are not taking any other medications.

A benefit was, and maybe it was coincidence, but once I started talking St. John's, my night sweats disppeared!!!!!
. Like I said it may have been coincidence, but what a relief.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Joint Therapies

Is anyone else taking any combination of glucosamine and/or chondroitine to relieve aches and pains? If so, what's your experience.
HRT - How Do I Evaluate?

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-00 AT 00:09AM (EST)</font></center>

When I went for my annual check up last year (I was 43) my gyn did a baseline blood work to get hormone levels (although the more I read, I should have done it sooner - not faulting my doc - SHE has always been very good about asking about symptoms). This last year, the symptoms (night sweats, moodiness, weight gain, joint soreness) have arrived with a vengence.

I think I am reaching the point where exercising, diet, and "alternative" tberapies are not enough (I hate not being in control!!!).

1. What prompted you to consider HRT?

2. Is it helping?

3. Anything you don't like about it?

Thank YOU!!!

Hi Janet!

I noticed that no one had responded yet, but then I noticed that you didn't start this thread until after 11:00. I just wanted to say that I think it will really fly and I am looking forward to any info I can receive here. I am 47 (for 2 more months
) and I have noticed BIG changes this year. It is midnight now and I got very little sleep last night so I will check in with you all hopefully tomorrow. I need to dig out my "Midlife Fat Cell" book that I bought a year or so ago and never read. Maybe I can find some things to share from it. TTYL, and again, thanks for taking control here!


First, let me state that I have had every problem known affecting my reproductive organs...endometriosis, PCO (mild), hormonal hitting 45 has not been a matter of going from great to messed up. Just messed a different way. My periods were not stopping regularly...they would stop and start again. I am now on an estrogen patch from day 3 to 9 of my cycle and it helps physically and mentally. My problem now is that some months-floods rivalling Noah. I am going to ask MD if it's related to the patch or do I need progesterone too. I hate Provera and turns me into a witch. Is any other person my age going through this?
I am!!

I just turned 33, but I have had problems with my reproductive system forever - I have never even gotten a period without medication - provera or BC pills - and even then I don't always get one. I also had PCO, endometriosis, now I have been diagnosed with hypothalamus dysfunction. I have absolutely no estrogen and the doctors don't know what to do with me. I have had provera sitting on my kitchen counter for two months and I can't bring myself to take it because it makes me crazy and I don't want that. I've begged for a hysterectomy, but my insurance won't cover one because it is not medically necessary. Meanwhile, I haven't had a period in two and a half years, and my weight has just ballooned - it's just awful. Hope you have better luck than me and can get your problems straightened out!
I saw Deborah Waterhouse speak

at a womans health conference entitled "The five stages of menopause". I had just turned 35 and I found it facinating, scary and encouraging all at once. One of the things I remember most was a statement she made about exercise. She said that if you have been able to maintian your weight on 30-45 mins of exercise pre-menopausel, then expect to have to up your exercise time to 60 mins. for the same result....ugh! She also spoke about EATING! We must EAT, but to only eat as much as our hand could hold at a time. I have since bought her book and also purchased another that she suggested entitled," Estrogen the Natural Way" by Nina Shandler. This book I found hysterical and very informative. When I go through the " Change" I want to go through It the way Nina does, with a sense of humor, some flax seed and alot of soy. Deb D
after 8 days on the pill

well, after 8 days on the pill, I'm not so afraid of the nausea anymore. . . I was nauseated for 3 days and now I only get hit with small bouts of it every once in a while. INTERESTING about my eating habits, though. Back when I was my usual skinny self (up till age 34), I would eat when I was hungry. Since age 35, I feel the urge to eat all day! I could just eat and eat and eat! Hunger, what's that? who cares? just eat! --I thought it was just stress. However, after 8 days on the pill, guess what? I often feel hungry, look at my watch, and realize I haven't eaten for 5 hours! And I'm HUNGRY. and I EAT. then I QUIT. Just like I used to do. It is AMAZING, ladies!!

NOW, that sounds like good news, but guess what? I got on the scale this morning and despite eating less, despite actually LOOKING a little thinner (my habitual belly bloat is REDUCED!), I have actually GAINED 3 lb! WHERE IS IT I would like to know. ACK! --such a bummer! I was so excited about my eating habits and my deflated tummy that I fully expected to weigh LESS, not more!

Other negatives, my face is a total OIL SLICK and I do have little bouts with nausea, esp. in the evenings. My energy level and motivation seem to be down too.

SO, the pill has definitely been good and bad to me. Ultimately I think the good outweighs the bad, I have to say I LOVE this return to my old eating habits (although I wish a weight loss accompanied it!)

Just thought I'd throw out my experiences here. . . BTW, I am on a low-dose pill called Levlite. -susan p
oh, and a MUST READ

I just got Fight Fat after Forty by Dr. Pamela Peeke at the library this weekend and


(yes, I was shouting) --it has been a real eye-opener to me. I guess I am realizing how much of a PHYSIOLOGICAL basis there is to all that we are going through with the mushy middle syndrome and the eat till you burst syndrome etc. It really is physical, it is not just in our heads, it is not just bad habits or laziness, it is chemicals in our bodies working. I need to get my brain wrapped around this concept and stop kicking myself around the block. The self-flagellation I inflict over my body is incredible, I used to be a SKINNY PERSON and I can't quite forgive myself for having turned mushy. . .
and last but not least

We really DO need to find a new name for this little group. . . Because one thing is for sure, my MIDDLE is the LEAST FIT part of me! Fit in the middle sounds like a bunch of women with six-packs, don't ya think??
How 'bout "Fit Everywhere EXCEPT the Middle In the Middle Of Life" -?? yeah, too long.
Who is the author?

Hi Janet,

Who is the author of the book? I'd be very interested.

Another question

Did you notice any help with your moodiness? How long did it take? Can you be on the pill and take it? Any side effects?

At 41, the moodiness and night sweats are horrible, although somewhat less on the pill. I'm a mess!

Good Point! Plus Another Suggestion

Sandi - I've been meaning to edit my message to include the author, but kept forgetting.

The principal author is James E. Huston, MD, but he has a female co-author that I can't remember (disclaimer - my last name is Huston too, but I don't know this gentleman). I found it at Barnes &, but Amazon has it as well.

Also, another book that I ordered at the same time is "Could It Be Perimenopause?" by Steven R. Goldstein. This one is less detailed than the other, but in my reading so far, very helpful nonetheless.

Good luck!

St. John's Helped Moodiness & Night Sweats

I definitely noticed an improvement after about 4 weeks of taking St. John's. It was a gradual, almost imperceptible progress, but at 4 weeks, I could tell I was feeling much better, more consistently than I had in a long, long time. And, like I said, it may be coincidence, but I haven't had night sweats of any consequence since I started taking it
. I haven't had any negative side effects that I am aware of.

I take a brand of St. John's packaged by Whole Foods (a natural food store here on the west coast, I think they may be nationwide). It's important to point out that I started doing this on my own without any consultation with my doctor. I'll be seeing her in a couple of months for my annual check up and will definitely discuss it with her. She always does blood and hormone tests so if there are any subtle effects that I can't detect otherwise, I'm sure they will show up there.

I'm not sure how my doctor will react, but there is a growing body of research from clinical trials that support the claim that St. John's can help with mild to moderate depression.

I'm not sure about taking it with the pill as I'm not taking any other medications. From my reading and research on the internet, it appears the main concern is that you don't want to take it if you are taking any anti-depressives.

There's a good website on alternative therapies I have bookmarked on my home computer, so I'll get it for you when I get home tonight. But, if you want to do an internet search you can type in St. John's Wort and get a lot of material.

St. John's has brought such relief for me with most of the major symptoms I've experienced so far. I'll be interested in knowing what you decide.

Good luck!

Paul Simon lyric

There's a great line in "You Can Call Me Al" from Simon's Graceland album:
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
How True LOL!

Debra - my desparate first attempt of "Fit in the Middle (With You) was a take off of another song, I can't remember the artist, "Stuck in the Middle With You." I was thinking of Middle in terms of Middle years but you and Susan are right on

It shouldn't be very hard at all for someone to improve upon "Fit in the Middle"

Sandi - here's the website I mentioned in my previous post.

I tend to stay away from the websites that have something to sell. Many of the major hospitals (i.e.; Johns Hopkins) have good websites that allow you to research their study results and/or have links to other non-retail organizations.

Good luck.


This is one of the few supplements that I have found which really works for joint/tendon pain. I was taking it after I had an achilles injury and it helped. But only over time and in the right quantities. A word of caution...this is one product where it pays to pay...there are a lot of poor quality products out there and this is not a cheap supplement to begin with. Note, the medical community recently acknowledged the combo for arthritis relief. That's why all of a sudden you are seeing it everywhere. Finally, my research is that this product is intended to increase the lubrication of joints and tendons. So if that is not what is causing your aches and pains, this may not be the product for you. IE, you are achy from overtraining or just plain hard training. Know that it takes about a month to start seeing results. Hope this helps you in your decision.

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