Fit for T-day Wednesday


Happy hump-day everyone! This morning i did my own circuit. Each group of exercises were done for 3 sets. I set the elliptical at level 7 and kept my speed at 9.2mph for my minute sprints:

reverse lunge
chest fly
elliptical sprint

hamstring curl on ball
bent over row
elliptical sprint

calf raise toes out
tricep pressdown
elliptical sprint

oblique crunch
standard bicep curl
elliptical sprint

butterfly crunch
lateral shoulder raise
elliptical sprint

I was totally spent when i was finished. Diet has been really good. I'm starting to notice my food cravings sneaking in but i will reframe from cheats till satureday or sunday. Hope you ladies have a good day!
Kariev-another great workout! I can't look at your for too long, or else I'll be tempted to do THAT instead of what's next on this rotation. But I'm determined to get thru this entire month's rotation!!! I notice, too, after a few days of clean eating and as the weekend approaches, my mind starts to shift slightly to THINKING it wants something non-clean. And that's what I's a MINDSET. The weekend is just like any other day, nothing special on the weekends that I can't have during the week. So we need to stay vigilient when our mind starts to wander to 'the dark unclean side'.

Good Wednesday morning to the rest of our gang. How many more days till Thanksgiving??? I still can't believe it's November already! Good LORD! lol

This morning's workout was Cardio all-time fave Cathe KB workout. LOVE it. But entire body just felt like it was filled with lead! LOL My legs were heavy...probably a combination of GS Legs yesterday morning and my run yesterday afternoon. My shoulders and arms were heavy....I took off my 1# weighted KB gloves when the intervals at the end came. Nice long stretch afterward felt great, that's for sure! is pretty quiet. This morning before work (I start at 10am at the school) I'll be doing laundry and making hard-boiled eggs to have on hand. Then after school (I'm done by 12:45) I'll finish the laundry. Then tonight is a late basketball practice for my older son. Pretty quiet, just later than normal. to do laundryMax!

Eating good. Exercising, later. Too tired from staying up late to watch election to say more. Except, Kariev, good-lookin' workout. Gayle, good luck with LaundryMax. I wish I could go back to SleepMax......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
QUOTE: You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.
-Albert Einstein-

Afreet, Life sure can get busy, cant' it? LOL;) Have a great day.

Gayle, You have great determination, you'll get through the rotation. (cheering for ya):p Think lite clean side, this weekend. Your workout is a tough one, but I know you can do it. Hope you get through laundrymax. LOL That's a cute one, I have to remember that.

Kariev, My o My! That's a tough workout too. You and Gayle in some kind of competition or something? Good for you!:D

I'm doing very well on my clean eating, I haven't lost anything yet, but I'm hopeful.

Take care everyone, and to anyone else who drops by. I'm glad there is a number of us, the more the better.

As you can see, it's my rest day today.

OMG! Kariev you ROCK! what a great workout! I too am committed to doing the November Cathe rotation, but would love to save these for December before STS comes!

Gayle: glad your PTA ordeal is over at least for awhile! I am going to look into Cardo Kicks... I love KBox workouts and did TaeBo for several months a few years ago, but I got tired of the constant miscounting and unequal reps from side to side... I like KPC but some of the more advanced sequence are hard for me to keep up with... I end up just standing there with my jaw on the floor... but have heard several people praise Cardio Kicks :) thanks!

Lisa/A: sorry you are still sleepy today! sending energy vibes to you and hope as the day goes on you will find your stride! :) Congrats on eathing good too! I have fallen off the wagon today and eating everything in sight so far... (STEP AWAY FROM THE TROUGH!!)

good day all!
HI Janie!

we posted at the same time so just wanted to pop back in and say Good Morning and so happy you are doing so well with eats and w/o's! As we have determined, the scale isn't always the best indicator of our progress, so (easier said than done) I will avoid the urge to step on again for another week at least!

take care & BBL
Hi Everyone,

So I took an easy if that is possible spin class today (not very good instructor) but in any event it was on my rotation and I completed it which is what I am looking to do. I also ate clean all day so far besides the gum in my mouth now lol.

Kariev awesome workout, i may have to try!

Gayle: I love kickboxing and Cardo Kicks is a good one!! I need to some laundrymax too hope you are done with yours by now.

Lisa/A: It was hard to not stay up and watch the election, can you go to bed early tonight? Big congrats on eathing good, never an easy task but will be SO WORTH it!!

JanieJoey - You will lose this is the hard time b/c you are doing everything right but don't notice the change. Your body will catch up any day now.

Alright back to work.

I took a nap and got my killer kettlebell workout in this afternoon! Yay! Now I can go to bed. Good job, all!


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