Fit and Pregnant vs. Not Fit and Pregnant



Hi everybody-
I am now in my 26th week of pregnancy (my first) and have been exercising the whole entire time w/ Cathe's tapes (modified ) as well as other activities. I was extremely fit before getting pregnant and have been modifying my regimen to accomodate all of the changes/slowdowns that occur when pregnant.

I wanted to post the question to any of you who have gone through the experience of having a child when fit vs. if you had a child when you weren't fit.. Did you notice a big difference?
You always see tons of info saying how much being in shape during pregnancy helps with the whole experience.. Would love to hear some testimonials from you all.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Lynn! I'm in my 13th week of my second pregnancy, and I can say that my self-image is MUCH stronger and better this time, as I've been regularly active. The first time, I felt so bad about myself and my growing girth (and hips and thighs, etc), but this time, I feel fit, strong, and capable.

I often don't feel like working out, but once I do, I have that exhilaration and pride that carries me through my whole day and helps me to choose nourishing, nutrient-dense foods to fuel my body and my baby.

Good luck! You're doing it the best way you can!
Here's my .02 -

With my first (April 99) I was in great shape! I had a fabulous pregnancy, worked out all the time and felt great! My labor was o.k. Not the greatest, but not super long either.

Fast forward to Dec. 2000 - I just find out I'm pregnant again. Mind you - my fitness between the time of my daughter's birth and Dec. 2000 is not what it was. I hardly have time to work out - just getting back into the groove of things when wham! I'm pregnant. So I'm starting #2 out about 20 pounds heavier than with #1. Needless to say, I still am having a relatively easy pregnancy (due Aug. 30), but w/ the extra weight I am so tired, sluggish, stiff, etc. Definitely no complications, but not as smooth as the first. Granted, I am a full-time working mom this time, but it definitely is not as easy as the first time around. I didn't do much working out the first 4 months, but I am definitely back into a routine now with the Leslie S. walking videos and some basic Firm tapes.

Sorry it's so long, HTH, some.

Good luck!

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