Fish Oil Supplements


Hello everybody! Does anybody here take fish oil? A while back on Oprah there was a physician who said everybody should take X amount of fish oil every day. The show was about women and heart disease. My question is whether fish oil and fish body oil are equivalent? I have problems with my cholesterol, primarily due to genetics, and sometimes I worry that I am taking something that will worsen my problem because I purchased fish BODY oil instead of just fish oil . Of course I asked the salesperson about the subject, but at the particular place I go, I believe some of the people are just out to make a sale. I thought before I went anywhere else for an answer, I would try here! Any ideas?

I take Cod Liver Oil capsules. It's made by a company called Seven Seas and I take one a day. I prefer the capsules because the oil itself tastes pretty bad. It contains Omega 3 acids (EPA and DHA) which is supposed to help mainatin healthy cholesterol levels, supple joints and healthy hair, skin and nails. I have also found that it helps with my immune system in general - I usually pick up the flu very easily but have not been significantly sick since I started taking it.

In doing a search for fish body oil, I found the following:
"Fish oils are different from cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is extracted from cod liver and is an excellent source of vitamins A and D. Fish oils are extracted from the tissues (flesh) of fatty fish (like salmon, herring, halibut or cod) and are good sources of EPA and DHA.

Fish oils contain very little vitamin A and D, but cod liver oil does contain EPA and DHA. However, you would probably exceed the recommended daily intake of vitamins A and D, if you were to try to obtain higher, therapeutic amounts of EPA and DHA only from cod liver oil."

They don't seem to make a distinction between fish oil and fish body oils, so I suspect they are the same thing.

Thanks for taking the time to locate that information. I tried cod liver oil and numerous other supplements, along with diet and exercise of course, and it did not budge the numbers. I really hate the thought of taking the meds because it has made my liver enzymes go up, but I may have to give in. Hopefully the fish body oil is making some difference.

Flax oil or freshly ground flax seed are also very high in the Omega-3s like fish oil. They are cheaper, tastier and do not involve the problems of toxins in fish (they are higher on the food chain so have more pollution in them).

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