first time with IMAX


Active Member
Let me start off by saying that I love Cathe's strength training videos--that is how I came to buy IMAX. I am not a cardio person and definitely need to work on it. This morning confirmed this for me. After getting out of bed, which was a struggle itself, I turned on the video and sweated up a storm during the warm-up. Which, by the way, I could not do entirely successfully. At this point I should add that I have never done step. I'm sure you can envision the rest. Needless to say, I was a wee bit discouraged. And thouroughly disgusted with myself!!! I am thinking that perhaps I should take 1 interval a day and learn the choreography, since I am obviously NOT gifted in that area. Does anyone have any advice? Has anyone else experienced this similar discouragement with any of Cathe's videos--that is, watching the choreography and moves in complete amazement?
Hi, Hillskip! You got guts, starting cardio-step with I-Max! I think your idea to take one interval a day to learn the choreo is a very good one. Cathe states in her intro to I-Max the Original (and btw, do you have I-Max or I-Max-2?) that I-Max is not the tape to start off with; however, I think she was concerned more with the intensity level of the blast segments than the choreography.

Actually, the choreography in I-Max 1 and I-Max 2 are somewhat simpler than her other step offerings, so go ahead and learn the choreo in a way you feel comfortable with!

Don't be discouraged, and don't be disgusted with yourself. Stepping is a learned skill, and the I-Max Sisters are very challenging! Just keep pecking away at it, on your own schedule, and you'll be amazed at your skill and cardiovascular development!

I-Max was the first Cathe workout I ever did, and it remains my favorite, although several others are very close seconds. And I'm a klutz of the first waters. If I can get I-Max anyone can.

Hi too! I just did IMAX 1 for the first time yesterday also. I was freaked that I only got 25 min. through it. I think your idea of taking the intervals one at a time to learn them is great. I did that with my Christi videos. My main problem is that I think I need some anti-fatigue mats as I was not able to jump as high as I though. Another clue while you are learning is to move your step to a lower level so you are not concerned with missteping.
Hi too! I just did IMAX 1 for the first time yesterday also. I was freaked that I only got 25 min. through it. I think your idea of taking the intervals one at a time to learn them is great. I did that with my Christi videos. My main problem is that I think I need some anti-fatigue mats as I was not able to jump as high as I though. Another clue while you are learning is to move your step to a lower level so you are not concerned with missteping.
Hi Hillskip,

Your situation sounds similar to mine,
I am a strength fanatic as well, but after reading the other posts about imax, and other cathe cardios, I decided to purchase imax1, imax2, and most of cathes other cardio except the old ones, anyway I tried to attempt imax 2 and realized that I found the cardio confusing, and as I had just bought the intensity series I was really upset thinking, "I cant do these workouts, the choreography is so confusing", I wanted to burst into tears and ask for my money back but as I live in england I would have wasted more on postage.

To cut a long story short, I decided to learn one interval at a time , in the evenings, when relaxing, I kept practicing and rewinding, and for every interval I learned, I wrote it down and ticked it until I learned them all. Now it is one of my favorite workouts, also I find that once you have learned one, you will pick up the others reasonably easily, as moves are similar in other workouts. It will be an achievement for you If you find the patience to learn it. Just do your normal workouts, and use it as practice until you get it.

Luv Hotchick;-)
Hi Hillskip,

Your situation sounds similar to mine,
I am a strength fanatic as well, but after reading the other posts about imax, and other cathe cardios, I decided to purchase imax1, imax2, and most of cathes other cardio except the old ones, anyway I tried to attempt imax 2 and realized that I found the cardio confusing, and as I had just bought the intensity series I was really upset thinking, "I cant do these workouts, the choreography is so confusing", I wanted to burst into tears and ask for my money back but as I live in england I would have wasted more on postage.

To cut a long story short, I decided to learn one interval at a time , in the evenings, when relaxing, I kept practicing and rewinding, and for every interval I learned, I wrote it down and ticked it until I learned them all. Now it is one of my favorite workouts, also I find that once you have learned one, you will pick up the others reasonably easily, as moves are similar in other workouts. It will be an achievement for you If you find the patience to learn it. Just do your normal workouts, and use it as practice until you get it.

Luv Hotchick;-)
Hi Hillskip:

I know how you feel! Imax was the first step tape I tried, and failed miserably. Several people told me to get Step Heat and learn how to do step first. I previewed it a couple of times, then kept trying and rewinding until I figured out what was going on. After a while, it was fun and easy. I then moved on to Step Jam, and then the step portion of MIC - this gave me the confidence to try IMax again. I was shocked that I was able to do it!!!! Yes, it is a very challenging tape cardiovascularly - but you will "get" it! Just keep trying. The thing about step is that it gets easier to learn new choreography - something just clicks.

Don't give up! You'll get it too! (I NEVER thought that I would ever be able to do step - and now I'm hooked!)
Hi Hillskip:

I know how you feel! Imax was the first step tape I tried, and failed miserably. Several people told me to get Step Heat and learn how to do step first. I previewed it a couple of times, then kept trying and rewinding until I figured out what was going on. After a while, it was fun and easy. I then moved on to Step Jam, and then the step portion of MIC - this gave me the confidence to try IMax again. I was shocked that I was able to do it!!!! Yes, it is a very challenging tape cardiovascularly - but you will "get" it! Just keep trying. The thing about step is that it gets easier to learn new choreography - something just clicks.

Don't give up! You'll get it too! (I NEVER thought that I would ever be able to do step - and now I'm hooked!)
I'm fairly new to complex step. I find it helps to go through the step moves without the step or with the step just on the lowest height, and just get to know the moves before doing it properly. While I'm doing this, I have regularly short breaks (these are for my brain to take in the new moves, not for my body, which isn't getting much work). I have the video controller in one hand and rewind any bits that I don't get straight away.

I now find I only have to do this once, then a couple of days later, I can pretty much do most of the tape properly without rewinding.

Now that I have done a few Cathe step tapes, they are getting easier to learn because I am getting to know some of the moves, and their names. I'm really enjoying step now!


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