Firm Body Sculpting 2


I stayed home from work today sick and made the mistake of watching the new Firm infomerical. I'm a sucker for infomercials like that. Anyway, I checked out the clips on collage, and the DVDs look good. The new 8 lb. stick looks fun. And although in theory I think separating strength training and aerobics is best, in reality I hate aerobics and I don't do nearly enough. There are no reviews yet on videofitness. Has anyone tried these new workouts?

I bought the New Firm System a few months ago to incorporate while I trained for a 1/2 marathon. I knew that I'd have to devote most of my cardio training to running so I took a break from Cathe (which broke my heart) and bought these tapes to do while running, too.

They worked great, definitely not as intense as Cathe (what is?) but they were a great change of pace and a lighter workout when I didn't feel like doing much at all. I'm glad I have them to add to my fitness video collection.

Good luck! Marcia.
You might want to wait to purchase Firm Body Sculpting 2 for a bit. I got a notification from QVC today that it would be the TSV sometime in August--I think it was August 21, but I'd deleted the message before I saw this post. It will be available with and without the fanny lifter, but they didn't say what the price would be. Probably will be worth the wait though (and they ship fast). I got the first Body Scultping System with the fanny lifter as a TSV, and I've never seen a better price on that.

Just a thought.
I did the exact same and got the Firm System for my new running training routine...lighter workouts. Have not done one yet though, so I have no input, sorry. But the stick looks cool, but is very light if you are used to Cathe. Plan on spending much of the workout without it or with heavier weights.

The fanny lifter is constructed better than I thought it would be though. Hey aren't the only sucker here..I ordered as a result of a Sunday infomercial too!!!:)

I have it.
Rather, I had all of it.
I sold one dvd already. I just couldn't handle them saying how wonderful the fanny lifter and scuplting stick were every 3 seconds. That and my stick broke after 3 uses.
It grates on my nerves to hear them say over and over about how great their little plastic toys are for shaping and scuplting. If that doesn't bother you, go for it. They are solid workouts. Not as hard as Cathe, but good.
They are good workouts, but if and when I want to do a Firm, I pull out an older one. One without the plastic peices.
I have it any really like it. But... I can't hang with Cathe strength work... yet!;-) BTW, You can get the stick + dvd's from without getting the fanny-lifter. That way, you don't have to deal with the headache of ordering from goodtimes!:9
I'm not sure why I got the QVC notification, but I order a lot from QVC and get notifications on several things before they are offered on air. It's probably because I ordered their last Firm TSV. Maybe they'll offer something extra with it, too. The first Body Sculpting system had a bonus older Firm parts tape--Sculpted Buns, Hips & Thighs with Tracie Long. The QVC Insider magazine for August also might have some info on the Firm TSV, but I don't get it any more. The Insider will offer several TSVs for the month to Insider members before they're presented on air.
Oh, Definitely!

It's a lot of fun, and the sculpting stick brings a fun level to the program. My favorite one of the three is Total sculpt w/abs with Jenn Carman. It's a great series and a good change. If you have the step already for Cathe's tapes, you can use that for the leg press segments.

Give is a shot! You will love it. It's the best Firm yet!!


"If I don't stop, I have not failed.":D
CeeCee and others-
How do you use the 3 workouts in a rotation? How long does it take you to do each workout?
Max Cardio Burn is 55min. It does not use any weights except the "stick". This is my favorite of the 3. Although, it has some light lower body sculpting in itand a good abs segment, it is mostly cardio.
Total Sculpt (55min) and Complete Aerobics and Weight Training (60min) are circuit style tapes. The weights segments are comparable in intensity to Cathe's wedding video. But... You could heavy up. (I don't... I'm a wimp!;-) )
Does that help?
That does help. But I'm wondering how you use them together? Do you do one each week, or try to get them in twice each week? Or something else? Sounds like a huge time commitment, no?
>That does help. But I'm wondering how you use them together?
>Do you do one each week, or try to get them in twice each
>week? Or something else? Sounds like a huge time commitment,


I have all six of the Firms new workouts featuring their Sculpting Stick. I'm in the second week of the following six week rotation.

Monday: Aerobics and Weights---to me this is the toughest of the six workouts. It is circuit style and last about an hour and I think it is a lot of fun. It is a total body workout.

Tuesday: Calorie Killer---this is my least favorite of the six. It is all aerobic with some very light upper body movement during a couple of the routines. They use the two 2lb 'twigs' that come off the ends of the sculpting stick. They also do some step on the 17" Fanny Lifter. The choreography is very simple, but I still don't think it is very safe for me so I just use the blue piece. The instructor doesn't cue very well, and her transitions are a bit sloppy, but I make it work. I think this one is about 45 minutes. :9

Wednesday: Firm Abs---This one is an all ab video with three different 10min (approx) ab sections each growing in intensity. I do the whole video and add about 20 minutes of stretching.

Thursday: Total Sculpt plus Abs---This one is another circuit style workout. It has the best music off all six videos and I really enjoy it. It is more weight training than cardio but there are a few short cardio sections. I go pretty heavy on this one. The video is about an hour.

Friday: Max. Calorie Burn plus Abs---this one is all cardio much like Calorie Killer, but with a better instructor, better choreography and better music. It does include some light standing leg work and a good ab section. This one was a lot of fun and it last about an hour.

Saturday: Upper Body Sculpt---This one surprised me. It looks a lot easier than it is...I was sweating buckets! I just wish there were more chest work, they do a lot of pushups though. This one is about 40 minutes.

Sunday: off

I hope this helps a little bit. A rotation Calendar also comes with the system.

Have fun!
Hi Nancy,
My rotation is a lot more *lax* than DeeDee's. ;-)I have a whole pile of videos to choose from... These new Firms get used a lot though. I usually do 2 of them a week.
M: Circuit
T: intense cardio (like IMAX or MIC)
W: yoga or pilates
T: Circuit
F: mod to intense cardio (like a Cathe step tape)
S: yoga, pilates, or rest
S: easy cardio (like Leslie) + abs

The new Firms fit mostly in the "circuit" category for me.

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