Finished S&H rotation, now need fat loss rotation!!


Hi, Cathe! I just finished a 4 week rotation with Slow & Heavy (one body part per day followed by 30 minutes of cardio). :eek: Yowza!!! I am very happy with the results from S&H, I feel I have gained a lot of strength/muscle! :D But unfortunately I still have much FAT over my newly found muscles ;( and I would like to start more of a fat-burning and muscle endurance rotation for the next 4 weeks. Here is what I was thinking of doing:

MON - Muscle Endurance lower body split + 30 minutes cardio
TUE - 60 minutes cardio + abs
WED - Muscle Endurance upper body split + 30 minutes cardio
THURS - 60 minutes cardio + abs
FRI - Pure Strength Legs (floor work only) + 30 minutes cardio (my sister said the floor work really helped her upper thighs which is where I need lots of help!)
SAT - 60 minutes cardio + abs

I really like to do weights followed by cardio which is why I split the Muscle Endurance and follow w/ 30 minutes of cardio . . . I am soooo much less sore if I do cardio after weights. For cardio I will probably do lots of walking and I would like to do IMAX once or twice a week. My thought is that if I up the cardio I may see more fat loss?? Any thoughts/suggestions?? Thanks!! And thanks for keeping me motivated!!

PS - though it might be a good idea to let you know the videosI have to work with:

Muslce Endurance/Boot Camp (DVD)
Power Hour
Slow & Heavy (DVD)
Pure Strength series
All Step
Cardio Kicks
I also pre-ordered DVD #1 from the new workouts.
Hi, missyb70--

This looks very interesting! I've been trying to add more cardio but not skimp on the weight training, either. This looks like a good rotation! Can you tell me, how long are your workouts when you do the ME upper or lower body split + the 30 minutes cardio? I usually don't like to work out for more than an hour during the week.

I hope Cathe replies to your post--I'd be very interested to see what she has to say!

The upper body and lower body split are each about 30 minutes if you don't do the abs (around 40 minutes each with the abs). So w/ the 30 minutes of cardio it is right around an hour. I, too, cannot find the time to work out more than an hour each day!
Hi! I am on my second week of the S&H workouts. I was wondering, on your rotation, did you take any complete rest days?

I am trying to really add some muscle to my upper body and just after about 8 days I "feel" more solid!

Did you notice an obvious difference after your rotation???????

I am wondering because I am thinking about using your rotation, using one body part per day with the 30 minutes of cardio after.

Just wondered if there was a "visible" difference after your rotation??? Thanks!!
Another idea might be instead of your PS leg floor work day as you have it you could do Bootcamp and omit the leg segment and then tack on the PS floor work at the end. Just a thought. Plus be sure you're alternating cardios ie. an interval workout and Cardio Kicks to mix things up.

:) Stacy
Yes, there was definintely a visible difference. I noticed the biggest changes after my third week. There are 6 body parts in the S&H series so I worked out Monday thru Saturday and took Sunday off.
I'm also just finishing Slow & heavy (love it!!) and saw a visible difference. I'd be interested in hearing Cathe's opinion on your new rotation - - it looks good to me but I wonder if it's enough weights??

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