Finding CD's as good as Cathe Vol. 1


I bought the CD Cathe Vol. 1 from Dynamix. Also, Final Cuts (#1, there's a #2 which I also want) from Muscle Mixes.

My question is, where can I find more step/32 beat, 126 to 132BPM, music *this good?*

If it exists.

I wish I could say *why* I like it so much: it's like the difference between Cathe's videos and all the others produced by Greg Twombley-- Cathe's stand out for some particular reasons. Not only advanced and difficult, but at the same time accessible and understandable for beginners. Friendly and safe as well as challenging, and timeless!

Well, I have spent $70.00 on music I wish I could return. Buying step music is harder than I expected.

Cathe Volume 1 (many of the tunes from the Intensity series) blows away the other CD's from the same DJ. What is the Je ne se qua << excuse my lack of French! ;) about this music, and where can I get more, without this expensive trial and error process? The CD's I spent so much on, cannot be returned. Boo hoo.

If anyone wishes to help me on this, I would love to have it.

Just a few fine points:

1) These songs are all original, no hits, no familiar tunes (I would not mind if some hit or hits were mixed in, but an "all-hits" format for some reason wears a rut in the brain, overdoing it).

2) The bass track changes from song to song, thereby staying fresh.

3) There is minimal perceptible technological altering of vocals, instruments etc., or repetitious "sampling" often heard in DJ work.

4) The way the songs are ordered builds up to a smooth high point, without low energy songs anywhere- an amorphous description I know- but every song seems to create a deficit in the ear that's filled by the next song. Key changes are good. And there's a cool-down song at the end, that's just like a drink of water.

If I knew more and had more time I'd make 'em myself. But I'll have to content myself with being a conscientious consumer. Please share what wisdom and referrals you have!
Thanks in advance! - Connie
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

I totally understand. There's something about it - it doesn't "wear out."
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

Hi Connie,
This may be a dumb question, but have you looked at all the selection at Dynamix?
I just bought the Tribute to Fleetwood Mac and it is awesome. I think the beats are around the range you mentioned. ?:)
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

Hi again Connie,
Disregard previous post. Sorry. I just saw that you want Original music not "hits".
Too bad I'm not still in my writing music mode. There's a chance I could have wrote something you could use. Another time, another era. :(
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

I listened to the samples, and they sound good, but I'm very cautious now since the ones I bought sounded good in their samples too. At least I have Final Cuts 2 to save up for!

Wow, you are a composer? I learned music theory in college and took 3 years of music (major in guitar) but saw that it was leading (me) nowhere... eventually I went "back" to school for dental hygiene.

I'm glad I learned a lot about music. Not enough to compose my own! That is a real gift!
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

HI Connie,
I come from a musical family. I wish I had the formal training that you received in college. My training was handed down to me from my grandfather and my parents. So I would write and not know 'why' the chorus or refrain goes here, only that it sounds good here. LOL During my writing stage, (I guess we go through stages in life?) I had my own recording studio.
The strangest feeling, to me, was when someone else would sing or record my songs. What had once only been a part of me is suddenly exposed to the 'world'. It was happy moments and yet 'my baby' was not MY baby anymore.

I couldn't make a living at music without sacrificing something and someone I loved more.
They say to be a success in the arts, not only is talent necessary, but your chances are like being hit by lightning. }(

I do hope you find the music you need for your workout design. Designing a workout takes lots of talent in my book. To be able to put moves together that flow and to keep from falling all over the place is a gift.
Wish I could take a class with you sometime. :)
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

I just ordered some CD's from Dynamix, and received them today, I will review them and let you know if I can be of any help to you. I ordered Cathe's Vol 1, Club Mix 2003 which is a step/mid-tempo CD, Intervelocity 10 for my circuit training class, and Kardio Kickbox Vol 3 for Cardio Kickboxing. Like you, I'll be very disappointed if they are not as good as I expect them to be. I also ordered from a DJ here in Chicago, so I will see if those are any good once I've reviewed them.
Good music is a must in a good class, so hopefully I won't be disappointed.
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

OK, this is what I'm gonna do: shop wisely, be patient, stay on the lookout for super excellent sounds, not be impulsive, and not settle for second rate music.

Especially be patient, because impatience has always led me in the wrong direction.
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

Wanda- I'm laughing here, because I have not yet designed a class. I tried a combo on my only participant, my mom, and I realized that I need to tailor my routines to my participants!! So it's slow going!

Cathe makes it look so easy, but it ain't. I know I am starting to learn something because I am hitting a "wall!" But all learning experiences contain that! I'm letting it encourage me, because hitting a wall always has precipitated advances in the past.

I wish you were here so I could try out my choreography on you! I hope I can find some poor victims to try out my stuff on.

:+ :)
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

I listened to parts of several of the CD's I bought from Dynamix, and they sound pretty good. I have yet to listen to the step and mid-tempo CD, but I was told it was really good as well. I now have to taylor classes to the music. I talked to other instructors and they purchased all of their music through Dynamix, so you may want to give it a try. Just my .20
RE: Connie -- re: Final Cuts

Hi LA,
Yes, Dynamix makes some good ones. I anticipate they will come out with new ones too. I realize I am a little more picky than I could be. This may change and it may not. I will choose my music very carefully from now on.

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