Filming Begins On Our New OnDemand Healthy Lifestyles Show


Staff member

Hi Everyone! I’m so excited to share one of our newest streaming program offerings with you.

We have now started filming a new segment of “Heathier Lifestyles” which is a show that will feature information and tips on nutrition, health, weight loss, and fitness .

Yesterday, we filmed our very first segment and we focused on nutrition, more specifically, healthy smoothies. We invited the Nourishing Guru’s, Jane Schwartz and Stephanie Goodman, as our guests to share twohealthy nutrient dense smoothies with you. In this show we are in our new kitchen set cutting and mixing up the ingredients right before your very eyes(…and tasting them too, mmmm!).

We had a wonderful relaxed and informative discussion while preparing the smoothies and reviewed all the health benefits of each superfood ingredient and what it does for your body. It was so much fun and I learned so much too. Lots of great tips! Subscribers stay tuned. We should have the first segment up and running within a couple of weeks.
OOOooo I was going to change my subscription to just get the Cathe live but if these type of shows are going to be available On Demand, I am going to rethink that decision. I love getting quality health information and I know I can always depend on Cathe to supply it.

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