

i bought some dried figs at the grocery and was surprised that i like them. does anyone use figs for sandwiches,salads and other things? i also bought rasberries,strawberries,and red grapes and would like to make a fruit salad. anyone have recipes?

I love figs, but they are hard to find. My grocery store doesn't even carry them. I buy organic ones in large quantities from .

You can chop them up and put them in a salad. I've never heard of them used in a sandwhich, but whatever floats your boat! I just eat them plain as a snack.

You don't really need a recipe for a fruit salad, IMO. Just put whatever fruits you like together, chopping as necessary to get the right size pieces. With the fruits you have, I'd keep the raspberrie whole, slice the strawberries into 2 or 3 pieces (depending on sieze) and leave grapes whole or slice in 1/2.

You can make a dressing for fruit salad using orange or pineapple juice and a bit of sweetener of your choice.
I love figs, but can rarely find decent fresh ones here. I once made a dessert sauce with dried figs and fennel seeds that turned out pretty well.

I made it up as I went along, but here's the gist of it:

In a small sauce pan, combine some sweeter (not dry) white wine with sugar over medium heat and stir until the sugar is disolved. Add some dried figs (whole or chopped) and 1/2 teaspoon (+/-) of fennel seed, and cook until it's slightly reduced and thickened. This can be served over ice cream, pound cake, whatever. We had it with some Mascarpone cheese.

Valley Fig growers web site has some good looking recipes:
I love figs too. The only kind I can find in my grocery store are made by Submaid. They are with the raisins. They come in a resealable red bag. Anyhow, I usually just eat mine with coffee. They really taste like I am eating a fid newton! Melissa
I never tasted a fresh fig until I met my husband - his mother has fig trees (among others) in her backyard - delicious.:9
the sandwich idea came with the plastic bag of dried figs. i thought that was kinda weird. i did need an idea for dressing on a fruit salad. thanks


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