fighting over a Xmas tree!!


My DH and 13-yr-old DD are fighting over choosing a Xmas tree! He wants to get one at Stew Leonards... she's insisting on a local place down the road.... he's getting mad over this power struggle and insisting "he's the Dad, so he chooses"... she's getting mad over his "I'm the Dad" stuff and pushing even more.... I'm ready to go out tomorrow and buy an artificial tree. Why can't family members just get along over the holidays???? What does it matter where we get the tree as long as it's nice????? Ok, enough venting for today. Grrrrrr.
LOL, I'm totally with your DD on this one. And for the record, I'm *still* upset that my parents bought a fake tree a couple years ago. I haven't lived in their house for 10 years, but still...!!!

;) :+ :7
Delfin, the only answer is a proper Festivus pole. If you want to get all kinds of fancy, go to Home Depot and have a 6' hollow metal pole cut, and put that in the traditional bucket of sand/salt that you throw on the icy driveway. Otherwise, a broomstick.

Delfin, in all seriousness, how are you doing in your neck of the woods? Your neck of the woods is getting clobbered with snow from what I've seen.

It's an icy, slushy, disgusting mess. I actually don't mind snow... but we keep getting the "wintry mix" that I loathe.... ice pellets, sleet, with some snow thrown in. You get a workout just clearing off your front steps! We're going to Key West for Feb. break... I can't wait.
Ha! I have a Stew Leonards about 20 minutes from me! I bought my tree locally in town but I bought my pine bough balls from Stews a couple of weeks ago! Sorry about the turf battle between DH and DD. Can they trade off odd/even years??? That's what my DD and DS do for the advent calendar chocolates. It's always something this time of year, isn't it? The weather is ridiculous too! I'm so tired of storm warnings! I'm hoping we don't have a delayed school opening tomorrow...

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
What is Stew Leonards? Perhaps you could find out why each one feels so strongly about their particular choice. Are they just being difficult to be difficult or is there a good reason each one has their preference. Once everyone knows the others rationale, it may be easier to sort out.
Wow..I guess I would take a different tactic. When we were kids, we didn't have a choice. We had a fake one. There was 4 of us kids in the family and we usually didn't have a choice. My mom said if we were given options about such things we would never have a resolution because we'd all want something different. Therefore, mom and dad made the decision. Of course, we were so excited that it was Christmas that we didn't care what kind of tree we had. I think all we cared about was what was under the tree.
Sorry! I realized my post sounds a bit harsh and I could see the logic behind the adults making the decisions but I can also see that christmas is much more about fun when one is a kid and I would indulge a kid at least with picking out the tree. What I don't understand at all is arguments which are in the scheme of things insignificant but often ruin what should be a special time with family.

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