Feline Diabetes?



I just found out that my beloved kitty of 10 years has feline diabetes...I have to begin giving him insulin shots and put him on a special diet. Has anyone else gone through this?? How long did it go on? Any advice or wisdom? Thanks

I haven't, but one of my friends has had a diabetic cat for quite some time. She swears by the special diet--feeds it to all her cats, actually. She says it's not a problem giving the cat insulin shots, but testing the cat's blood sugar is a two-person operation. Otherwise, the cat does fine. I actually think that my cat had undiagnosed diabetes and it led to his early death. :( (But, my friend's cat is quite old and has had diabetes for years, so there is hope with good treatment.)
Diabetes in a cat is quite controllable. We had a cat who had to have shots for a while, but the diabetic cat food was so good that eventually she didn't even need shots. But she actually liked her shot - I've heard other people say they like it too - seems like it gives them a "buzz" maybe like caffeine. Once you get it under control, he'll be fine!
Hi, Jenni--

Sorry to hear about your kitty, but it is something that's very common and very treatable. Our kitty had it for years, and she did just fine. The shots took some getting used to (on me and DH's part!), but she was fine with them. Sometimes we had to tag-team her if she wasn't in the mood;-) , but usually she didn't mind it at all as long as we were quick about it. Please watch him carefully, though, if he should get sick and vomit. You know how cats vomit a lot sometimes? For a diabetic cat, that's trouble. Without food in their system, their blood sugar can go very low. Hopefully your kitty's an inside cat? That way you can keep a close watch on him. If he does vomit ever, just make sure he gets something to eat soon after so his blood sugar doesn't plummet. You can talk to your vet about keeping corn syrup or something similar on hand to rub on his gums should his blood sugar get real low and he loses consciousness (thankfully we never experienced that, but our vet said it can happen). And there's lots of helpful info online; just Google "feline diabetes" and you'll find tons of info. Good luck--you and kitty will do just fine!:)

Thank you, Everyone! I am so relieved to hear that this is able to be controlled and that he can live on and be happy. This poor baby - he has to go in tomorrow to get a bunch of teeth pulled and then start his insulin. I just feel so bad for our animal friends sometimes - he never complains, never cries, and just loves me. Unlike me who complains at a broken nail!?

Anyway, thanks for your advice and tips. I am glad we caught it when we did. And, I better prep my dh to get ready to help me with the shots.

Have a great night, Everyone!!!

I have a diabetic cat. He's 15, and was diagnosed 3 years ago.

I am very conscientious about giving him his shots on time, and I think that helps keep him stable.

I gave up on the special diet, because I have 5 cats, and it's impossible to keep them separate (and I don't want to stick him in another room to eat). I just found a food that works well for everyone.

what do you mean "how long did it go on"? It doesn't resolve itself, if that's what you mean, except in some rare cases. It's going to "go on" for the rest of his life.

The shots are hard at first, but we're both very used to it (I'm also a pro at giving sub-Q fluids with a MUCH LARGER needle to one of my cats with kidney problems).

One complication he had at first was diabetic neuropathy, which causes the feet and legs to be weak. He got to the point where he couldn't jump up on the couch anymore, could use the stairs to go to the basement, and was walking on his back '' knees" (whereas cats normally walk on their 'toes"). The vet said once they get it, it's irreversible, but I did some internet investigation, and found that Methylcobalamin (a form of B12) has been used to reverse it somewhat, it cats AND people. I started giving it to Scooter, and about a month later (it takes time), he was up off his knees and able to jump on the couch again.
I'm diabetic and have been hearing "oh, my cat has diabetes!" for 18 years!!! :) There are a lot of you out there...

I'm curious what insulin they have you giving him?
I had a diabetic cat for many years and she lived to be 18 years old. She was a Maine Coon cat and she used to remind us to give her the shot if we forgot. She did not mind unless I fidgeted giving it to her (I hated needles personally so it was tougher on me!).

I did not hear about the diabetic food though - I would definitely consider getting her that if I had the knowledge.

Good luck and don't worry because dear kitty will realize that it is helping her or him.

I meant how long did everyone's cat live for after they were diagnosed...also, my vet told me that the shots might not be needed for a long period of time if I use this special food for diabetic cats. That's what I meant.
The special diabetic food didn't work for Scooter, because he has a sensitive stomach, and unless a food sits right with him, he'd throw up almost daily. Now, I use a food made especially for indoor cats, and he and the others all do well with it.

What kind of food do you use?? I have another cat and I also don't want them to get all mixed up.

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