Feeling Sick During Workouts



I was wondering if Cathe or anyone can help me with this question. I start my work out feeling fine but sometimes to get nauseated, are then any list of reasons why? Thank You.
Hope this helps

I've found I get nauseous if I haven't eaten for a long time (3-4 hours) or if I eat a heavy meal right before. I usually wake up and have a teeny bowl of cereal before I work out and I feel fine. You may also be working too hard and your bod is getting overheated. I feel sick those times too when I am trying to finish a workout that I really should take my time working up to. Hope this helps! Oh yes, sip water throughout the workout. It really does help.
Sick During Workouts

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-00 AT 04:18PM (EST)</font></center>

When I do weight training early mornings, I feel extremely nauseated and have to quit at times and lie down before I continue. Eating prior doesn't even help.

I therefore do my strenuous workouts evenings. My endurance is boundless between 7 and 9 p.m.

Oh yes, water is imperative during my workouts. I drink around 48 to 60 oz. per workout.

It's happened to me...

several times. It usually happens when I work out hard after a few hours without eating. When that happens I stop my workout, catch my breath and drink a glass of orange juice. In a few minutes the nausea passes and I'm able to resume my workout ( I also take the intensity level of the workout down a notch or two until I'm sure I can handle more).
Low Blood Sugar

I think it's caused by low blood sugar. I've noticed that if I don't eat a good dinner, and then do my regular 5 am workout, I get nauseous and dizzy. If I drink just a glass of orange juice before the workout (or a have a good dinner the night before), I do much better.

Sandi M.

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