Feeling of accomplishment....


noth'in like it.I just received my Terminator DVD yesterday.Back to the beginning....
do you rememner first when you started working out? When you could get through 20 min,then 30 min, then whatever.I remember trying to get through Body MAx , and I broke it down into 2 sections.Not b/c I was terribly out of shape but I hadn't worked out in a couple of years, started a new relationship and packed on 15 pounds.And starting out with Cathe is a accomplihment on it's own:) Then I started running.Did 25 min, walk/jog.Eventually built myslef up to 10 kms which is about 50 min.The feeling of making it through 50 min, with no breaks and doing Body Max with no modifications is a thrill.
I haven't felt like I have accomplished anything in a while.Nothing was ever a challenge.Not b/c I could run further but b/c I didn't want to.It seems as if I have been stuck doing this and then doing that.2hours big deal..I was never proud of myself anymore.
Till today...I just did "THE VIPER".It is one of those feeling where you feel as if you have burned about 1000 cals and deserve the biggest choclate bar out there.When I got through the last section I was thinking, I can't do this..I can't do anymore.But I did it and what a thrill.I feel as if I have been challenged and I took the challenge and I did it.When they labeled this "when your ready for the next step " they weren't lying.Sure cardio and weights is a good workout all on its own but when you put four of the harder intervals from IMAX 2 in there , then you have kicked it up alotof notches!!!!
NO one really needs to reply to this.But I was wondering has anyone else felt this way? I know I get a good workout almost everyday but this was different.I had to push myself...i had to tell myself not to throw up....i don't know if that is a good thing but oh well.
Anyway, thought I would share this with you guys b/c I knew that you guys would appreciate this for what it really is.I can tell my friends and my husband but I really don't think that they could relate
Good Job Lori!! I am going to try a Terminator this weekend and I hope to fair as well as you!! You go girl!

Wow Lori - I'm with you on that! I was the same way, run 5 miles, could get through most anything but wasn't feeling the challenge. So getting through Boot Camp was the first thrill for me and of course there was no one to share that excitement with. I was walking around my exercise area cooling down having this "moment" but who could relate? Then I did the Gauntlet and it rocked as well. Then I did Viper...so yeah, I know what you're thinking and feeling! There's a new challenge and it's envigorating!
I haven't tried the gaunlet yet.I think I may stick to cardio tomorrow and I MAY attempt Imax extreme.I did half of Imax emtreme last night but only made it half way through b/c I already worked out in the A.M.I already posted this on another tread.If I can make it through that one, I don't think I would feel bad about eating a piece of cheesecake tomorrow night when we go out for dinner:9

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