No workout today, this next week should be interesting, just practicing the steps to IMax 2 on the floor later, "Rain Dance", stretch, etc.

Have a great day!

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No workout for me today either and it's Pizza Friday. Hope to have a good "detox" and workout weekend in prep for Monday weigh-in!
Too bad I didn't catch you before, but just so you know:

"Beer & Pizza is not the Way"



Low Max today, oh yeah, when you said you did LIS the other day was that the 4DS one? just hoping for a little review, still thinking about that one for the end of the year, now I'm thinking I may go Bodymax 2, Butts & Gutts (name that always makes me giggle for some reason) & Cardio Fusion, instead to fill out the "Superman" series, don't know, have August & September figured out, and maybe October should be a "Kickfest", we'll see.

Namaste ;)
Sorry, Linda....your warning wouldn't have helped. Pizza Day is my end of the week treat, but I didn't have beer! I fell asleep early last night and slept in a bit this morning, felt great. I opted to do Slim Series Shape It Up workout, it's a high rep, total body weight workout with a little bit of everything thrown in including floor work and standing ab work. To answer your LIS question.....I did the workout that comes with Total Body Stretching not the 4DS workout. I have done the one from 4DS many times and it's a pretty decent workout for 30 minutes, but took a time or two to get the choreography down pat. The HIS workout from 4DS still has a section where the choreography eludes me so I've given up and just sub my own moves for that section. 4DS has some good core/ab workouts on it if you havent checked out those portions yet. I really dont have any specific focus to my workouts right now and I'm okay with that. I guess if I had to pick a focus it would be fun and a calorie burn which is why I picked SIU this morning, was a weight workout but with a cardio-feel. After STS Meso 2 I'm ready to back off the heavier lifting for a few weeks even though I did see some great results from Meso 2, I'm just itchin' to do something different for awhile. I figure if put a bit more focus on my diet, the exact workouts I do may not matter quite as much.

It's a beautiful day here, sunny and clear and not so hot!

Enjoy your day. Hope you're doing well Donna!!
Fun & cardio burn, great focus, also had excellent results with circuit style workouts. Have not looked at 4DS beyond CV video, or any SC, that was Donna that got the new series, I went with the specials last month. Today did all of Low Max, first time, we had a 15 degree shift for cooler weather & some rain that kept it that way all day, so I thought if I was going to try it, today was the day. I did that one & LIC a a lot in parts over Jan. Feb. & March this year, but not the intervals of LM. What a difference 3 months makes.

S & H Chest, Tris, Abs tomorrow :)

Did a 10 mile bike ride last night with hubby, so a bonus workout! Slept in til 9am this morning....havent done that in eons, I feel like the morning is already half over! Still waking up...havent decided on a workout yet!
It was tough b/c my legs were a bit tired from yesterday's bike ride, but managed a 1/4 mile walk warm-up and a 2 mile jog, increased the speed a bit. Tomorrow is a rest day!
Bike ride sounds like fun, pretty hot here again, and I have yet to get mine out. :( I think a whole week plus of going up and down the stairs when the fridge died caught up after yesterday, must have done stair max a hundred times that week, but we've got the new one now & it's so nice I hate to junk it up, so I'm still going up & down the steps for stuff, isn't that ridiculous?

I think it's time to give bike riding, and jogging a whirl, after watchin the CTX, I'm thinkin', heck, why not? I love bike riding & haven't done any for ?

Thanks for inspiration! :D

Way to go on the speed! Enjoy the rest!

A week of so-so eating was reflected on the scale this morning. Not surprising, but still not easy to see. :(

well, it's Imax 2 (1-5), may just leave it at that today, Low Max was my challenge for the week. And stretch.

Hey Stace,

Don't know if you ever catch Oprah, but the author of Women, Food, & God, Geneen Roth, was on today, very interesting for the "emotional eater". I thought too, for anyone, what they discussed about awareness, didn't catch the whole thing but a few points I found in practice, really made a difference to me & boyfriend.

Are you hungry? really, the point if you are not it won't matter how much food you eat, or what kind, it will not satisfy unless you are hungry. A woman in the audience that started this topic could not say that she actually knew what it feels like to be hungry, because she always felt hungry. Sounds confusing, but I think it was an excellent point.

Another, do not eat in front of the TV, it effects the awareness you need to have to know when you are full, boyfriend & I have been eating most meals at the table, and over several months time we rarely have seconds, nearly always have leftovers, and we eat slowly, it's relaxing.

She went on to say about where you are in the world, and that there isn't anything wrong with where you are right now, nothing, it's just where you are at this moment. One of the first things was it's not about the food.

A lot of what they talked about really hits home with "awareness" what you do & don't know about you. Hence the scale, a tool you use, and that's it, it's just information you need to have.

I won't poo, poo, my workout today, but had me saying "what was I thinking" :rolleyes: and now I'm thinking there's gonna be a lot more leg work for me... way up in the anaerobic zone, and didn't get any where...oh well...it was in the middle of the week for that reason....oops....overshot :p

P.S. If forums are down for a while, have a great couple days! Do you know if Donna goes to other forums? Still would like to chat.
Thanks for the post Linda....I certainly have had a day too many filled with emotional eating, mostly boredom and some negativity, but I'm getting better at coming out of that so I wont dwell on it. Today is a new day. I keep remembering what you've said before about how this is a journey and I'm considering the past day or two a detour. It's a dreary, muggy day today, hubby's out of town, so not sure what to do with myself today. I'm definitely going to workout here soon, then have an errand or two to run, then after that, not sure. I'll report back later....
Hi Speedy Stace,

I sometimes catch a show here or there, or read an article that hits home, that one in particular, with the "it's okay where you are right now" where else would you be? Had to come to terms with that one years ago, & had to be okay with a change in circumstances, I wasn't comfortable with it, but just had to let some things go in order to accomplish others. I think that's why I liked the C & W DVD, it starts I think with that "Let it Go" song, and reminded me of all the times that I just had to let go. A little sadness sometimes, mostly relief, because even the stuff you really care about gets heavy, & you just have to let it be. The other thing you could be certain of is, things will change, that's not an Obama thing, change doesn't come as you will it, it happens, mostly how you didn't expect, it's just how things are.

Particle & Wave.

Or as Joe Paterno would say, "You're either getting better, or you're getting worse, if you think you haven't changed, you're probably getting worse"
( I think that's the quote, I'm a gister, at heart )

Have a great workout, have a great day!

Is it too early to say "Go Lions!"
Hi Linda....I loved your post. I've had many things I've had to "let go", some I'm still holding onto but now by a thin thread instead of a thick rope.

I decided to do the LIS from 4 Day Split today. It was a nice 30 minute workout. I forgot that it had a bit of a dancy flair to it like Rhythmic Step does. After that I did the shoulder/bicep/tricep disc from the P90X set. I did bicep curls with 20 lb dumbells today!! I'll have to balance that workout with a chest/back workout later in the week, but not the one from P90X as it's all pushups and chinups, neither of which I do well AT ALL. Since you've been doing S&H I was thinking it's going to be S&H Chest and Back someday this weekend.

I'm making a meatloaf for dinner tonight as hubby is still out of town and he's not a big fan. I figure I can do a low carb, ie. no bread crumb version with some spices, onion etc and then have alot for leftovers during the week for my protein sources for my lunches this week.

Donna....hope you are doing well. We're thinking about you!
Hi Stace,

yesterday was a rest day, viewed Power Max for the first time, it's all me baby! okay I liked it a lot, goes in rotation next month. Humbling again in Step Works? when they do the last part on the 4", I got that "puny" feeling, see that, awesome to aw, shucks, in the space of an hour....:eek:

Think about Donna when I read the BF Blog, & BFFM, the other day read "the Fifth Element", and another "you haven't dieted until you read this" (or something like that) I know shameless plugs for books & services, but interesting to read. (it was free)

S & H Back, Biceps, & Abs, today, Tip of the day "Completely unload the lead leg when doing pivots" it's a knee thing, I like the tips at the beginning of that series of work outs. "Knee & Hip are aligned" , "You should be airborne" that was across the board I think. :D

Have a great one!
"When Victory comes it will probably ride in on an old Triumph with leaky valves & questionable electrics" :)
Hello...had plans on working out yesterday but only got 4 hours of sleep the night before so I didnt. My eating hasnt been great at all the past few days, mostly PMS related, not good at fighting my cravings this week, but I'll admit I haven't tried as hard as I should have. This morning I did abs and jogged 2 miles on the treadmill before work. Tomorrow is Pizza Friday. I'm thinking about changing my weigh-in days to Friday morning, maybe it'll make my eating better for the weekend!

Low Max today, think I'll just stick to the step combo premix, today, I found a calculator, two and tried them. I did them both, and they came out very close. One has the formulas, the other is quick.



Do you visit any other forums online? I thought maybe if your major challenge is food, it may be wise to discuss that particular part of your routine with others that have been successful in that area, in a forum that is dedicated to food issues. I think we've pretty much run the gamut between us, and that's really not a major concern for me, hasn't been for years. Now exercise, nutrition, working out in general, and how to get the most out of my Cathe workouts is. I guess what I'm trying to say is I may just post my rotations & chat in open discussion or DVD comments, I'm surprised that Donna did not give us the heads up this time when leaving, even if it was temporary, it would have been nice to know.

I really enjoyed our conversations & checking in I just think I need to change some other things I do. We just gave up our TV service and it is really nice not to be subject to "Breaking News" every five minutes.
I'm in a simplify, simplify mode, so please don't take it personal, it's just me. I'll still be hanging out here, at times. Good luck with your journey, truely, don't think your overweight, your probably fall in the normal range, check out the calculators & see, then decide what you want to do with it all, maybe it's not food really at all.

Thank You :)
Hey Linda...you've gotta do what feels right for you! This has always been a non-checkin anyways right?? I'll look for you around the forums. Good Luck to you and to Donna. I'll always be up to relaunch our talks (in case you're out there listening Donna ;) )

Enjoy your summer! I've enjoyed this part of our journey!! No regrets!

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