feedback on P90X, fluidity, Tae Bo amped


Active Member
Hi Everyone.
I don't post very often, but would appreciate some input. I am thinking of purchasing something new to change things up a bit and shock my body into breaking through a plateau. I would love some feedback on the following programs; P90X, Fluidity, and Tae Bo amped (or other Tae Bo). Has anyone used them and do you see drastic results as claimed on the infomercials? Do you use them in addition to your regular Cathe workouts, etc? Anything you can give me would be great!!! Thanks for your help!
I don't know about Tae Bo Amped, but if you do a search on P90X and Fluidity (separately), you will find quite a few threads devoted to each.

~Cathy :)
I did get the tae bo amped,and sent it back, it was ok, but not good if you have a bad back, maybe the new tae bo with the ball, but all his tapes are about the same
i never tried P90X but want to. I sent fluidity back b/c i thought it wasn't challenging enough. I have tae bo amped but do it without the weighted stick b/c i feel it puts too much torque on the back and tension in my neck.
I'm doing P90X right now (on day 52 of 90) and loving it. If you're looking for a change & shocking your body, then P90X is the way to go. My dh is doing it along w/ me & he was not a regular exerciser before. It's giving me more strength & definition in my upper body than I've ever had. I haven't lost much weight (as I don't need to, I'm at a healthy weight) but am loving the changes I'm seeing! My dh has already lost 5 lbs and is building a lot more muscle which is his goal.

I have been doing some Cathe workouts, subbing KM or KPC for Kenpo, adding in an extra leg workout when I can, etc. (one thing P90X is lacking is the lower body workouts but that's why we love Cathe!) I was doing her Gym Styles before I started P90X and while they are some of my fav workouts, I needed a change.

I've heard only negative things about TaeBo amped. I do have Billy's Boot camp w/ the bands but didn't find them that challenging (thankfully a neighbor gave them to me so I didn't buy them!). And there's been quite a bit of talk about Fluidity here so do a search!

Good luck!

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