Favorite Workout Acquired in 2007?


Okay, so it's time for year in review type things:

What was your favorite workout you acquired in 2007? (Any instructor)
(Why it's your favorite would be good to know too!)

I only owned 2 Cathe workouts when 2007 started (LowMax and Butts & Guts); my workout library has *ahem* grown substantially thanks to all you enablers out there :)

So, my vote for favorite goes to... (insert drum roll, here)
CTX! Love the intensity, versatility and the brevity!
So, how 'about you?

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Ah, definitely Drill Max! It's so much fun to do!

Like Jonahnah, my Cathe collection has certainly grown! I just discovered Cathe in March, but you wouldn't know that from looking at my DVD collection!;-)
Mine have to be the new 4DS workouts, although I do not do the High Impact Step, I do all the others and love that you work so dang hard and get it all done in an hour.:7
4DS LIS cardio! I know this would typically be a "lighter day" cardio but it is so much fun I end up modifying to make it higher impact and have such a "blast" doing it!
Oh boy, I'll have to break this down into categories because I can't be limited to just one -- lol!

Weights - the weight segments from Cathe's 4DS because they get a lot done in a little bit of time and I've had great results with it.

Cardio - Cardio Coach Volume 7. This isn't my favorite Cardio Coach workout, but it's the one I bought in 2007. Coach Sean knows how to motivate me to do cardio like nobody else. That's saying a lot because I truly HATE cardio.

Stretch - Classical Stretch. No other technique has worked so well to correct my posture and my hips and back have never felt better.
I only discovered Cathe in March also, so all of my Cathe's are new for 2007. However, to pick a favorite, I would have to say.... Body Max 2!

BM2 was the first dvd I purchased after doing the beginner ones. It is the dvd that really sold me on step and made me love it. It was so hard and so fun. It also has great weight work, ab work, etc.

But I am picking it as my fav because that workout is probably the reason that I am still here today!!
4DS Boot Camp and 4DS Kickbox ab/core routine. I have to hold myself back from doing these to death.

My favorites are Cathe's 4DS and I also really like Ellen Barrett's Fat Burning Fusion for light days. It has some lite cardio, toning and a good stretch. Feel great after doing this one. Even tho I am not new to yoga I really liked Element Yoga for Beginners--find it very soothing and you don't have to keep craning to look at the TV. Bought some others but either sold or traded them with no regrets.
Can't I just say discovering Cathe this year as my answer??? No???? OK, then..it will be Kick, Punch, and Crunch, and my reasoning for this is the first kickboxing video I did that worked me out to the max without burning me out for the remainder of the day, and I'm usually not one to concern myself with the background music during the workout, but I really enjoyed that part of it as well.

2007 was a great fitness year for me!!
I don't even know! I guess the one that I grab for the most is Jari Love's RTTC. It was really the one that helped me get into bikini shape for vacation. Oh, and Eion Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness... it just makes me feel so good!!! :D

I would have to say the 4DS. I'm loving the weight work especially. I'm really starting to see some good changes.

Also, AOS Providence (a kettlebell) workout. I love how fast this workout moves and I enjoy the variety that kettlebells offers to my workout routine.
I think my most favorite video I got this year would be Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Dome Challenge. I just love this DVD. It is so fun and I love the music.

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