Favorite/least favorite Cathe cardio moves


Favorite: pendulums, drop-squat-pendulums, reverse mambos, anything plyo.

Least favorite: figure 8s and other pivot-type turns. I work out on carpet and am prone to dizziness, so I have to modify all pivot moves unless they're on the step.

Anyone else?
I think there was another thread on this awhile back but here are mine anway.

Favorite: reverse mambos, cha-chas, shuffles across step, plie jumps
Least favorite: power scissors
I like the 'over the step" moves, like the one that has a 1-2-3, 1-2-3 count in Imax2, the drop squat/pendulum move, shuffles across the step, over-face-in-over (about the only pivoty/turny move I like).

I HATE ricochets (I always sub: they go too fast for my knee safety), and I absolutely ABHORE double ricochets (sub as well). I dislike pivot moves in general, or even plain old pivots (I don't see the point).

I also don't like some moves mostly because they take up too much space for me to do with good ROM in my living room: some around-the-step moves, two steps to the right with a turn and continuing with two steps (my space isn't that wide!).
Favs: Pengelum, Flying angle, airborn, plyo, slap clap:), ect like that

Disses: U turn, (confuses me with the regular turn step) and poney up (the footing sometimes confuses mex()

Cool topic;-)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

Well, I'm still relatively new to Cathe, although I have many of her workouts & I'm just loving all of them! So my response would not really be a favorite or least favorite move but rather a move I have a lot of difficulty with for some crazy reason. I just don't do the flying angels very well. I feel very uncoordinated with this move. Practice, practice, practice... right?

Green Eyed Lefty,
don't be sorry, these are always fun to do!!

Least Favorite: slam its (sounds wrong, is that what it's called?), flying angels, grapevines (but I love the double grapevine???) and those hamstring things you do in a circle (I can't think today!!)

Favorite: drop squat pendulums, shuffle down the board, rock horse, straddle tap repeators (??)
My least favs are shuffles down the board. I sub a u-turn. Figure 8's. I'm also a carpet girl. Lots of pivots, I to get dizzy, ponys, my feet don't work right especially in step blast. And jumps. I can handle straight jumps, so I do them and plyo jacks.

My favs: the 1,2,3,4 box in I2. Side lunges off the step body max. Pendlums, rock horses, u-turns. I can easily think of the ones I don't like, but I do like a lot of her workouts and I can modify moves easily with a different step. So that's why Cathe is awesome.;-)
My leat fav are running around the board.The room problems. I have an 8X8 area for cardio. Phylo's and airbornes i do jumping jacks.I figure i am still pumping. Can't seem to do them well on the matts. I hate scissors also, maybe if i was on hardwood.
Oh, and the mountain thrust climbers. Matt problem there too. I slide, so back to the good old jumping jacks...
So, modify and still work it.
I say what ever works for you..

Favorite...pump repeaters, Sumo squats

Least favorite...mambo cha-cha's and anything with a pivot
I love that peg leg mambo pivot in step blast and Imax3 (now I can do it!) and I have to admit I enjoy mambos and reverse mambos although I used to hate them because I couldn't do them.

I don't like too much pivoting because I always seem to end up on the wrong foot and I haven't really got enough room for triples around although I quite like them. I really don't like straddle taps in Imax-2, I find them hard even on 6ins. I do get a bit mixed up with ponys as well. Is it just me or can what a pony is exactly vary from workout to workout?
Only one move I dislike: Flying Angels! I never feel really balanced doing that move.

The rest of the moves are fun, fun, fun!

Basically every move from KP&C!
Anything involving a hesitation - it just feels cool to me!
Ricochets or double ricochets
Plyo heel digs (though we haven't seen this in soooo long!)
Power scissors
Power squats turning
Pendulums across the length of the step
Pendulums ala Circuit Max's 2nd hi/lo section
Heel-toe/diagonal hop turn
Long hop turns
Anything that feels like dancing (strike-a-pose from SJ&P, the turning in a circle from Kick Max, the running man, hop turn in a circle, etc)

Least favorites:

I love to hate (hate to love?) plie jacks
Ditto for tuck jumps
over face in over
power 7's and 15's
lunges off step

Least faves:
dynamic outer thigh
triple step around the bench
that 16-count straddle tap repeater on top of step in Imax 2--I can't
make my legs move that fast!!
Oh I also forgot to add I dislike sumo squats and hammer punch lunges and the high step step ups my heart rate goes skyhigh and I die but I have lowered my step height to 10ins and these are more bareable than at 14'.

I think these are truly my least favorites. Everything else I modify and find to be fun.

HATE HATE HATE genie hops! I actually modify those! LOL!!
Flying Angels (don't feel right)
tuck jumps
front lunges (but I do them)
figure 8


Straddle Taps
Rock horse
A step
T step

I am sure there are more, but I have to think about it!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

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I also work on on carpet - used to do it with no shoes on, which made the pivots easier, but was probably bad for me - so now with shoes ... I don't like:

Figures 8s
Mambo Pivots (not good for my knee)
Power Scissors (also bad for my knee)
Tuck Jumps (feel weird)
Flying Angels (I will FALL OFF the step)!

However, I like almost everything else, esp.:

Jumping Jacks
Straddle Taps
Fast Foot Repeaters
Richochets and Power 15's. I can stand Power 3, maybe 7, but 15, forget it. And Richocets, if not done properly will injure your knee. I have a girlfriend who did one of these moves on a Cathe DVD and did just that, and she was on carpet. So, I do not advise doing this step, UNLESS you have the move totally down and know your CARPET!!
The only move I can think of that I thoroughly dislike is dynamic outer thighs. For some reason I cannot stand them!


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