Favorite childhood food?


What could you not get enough of as a kid? Is this still a favorite today?

One of mine has to my mom's spaghetti & meatballs. Starchy, fatty city but oh so yummy. I still love it & maybe have it once a year when we're visiting. Today's version of course is ground turkey, whole wheat, blah blah blah (but no one wants to read about thaaaat).



I don't really think, I just walk.
--Paris Hilton
Creamed spinach - I know I am odd! My grandma used to make it and after she passed 12 years ago, I never, ever had anything remotely like it.
She also made leeks with some kind of cream sauce - YUMMY!! I have tried a gazillion times to make it, doesn't taste like Grandma's

The other one is licorice, one particular brand that was available in Germany and now tata- drumroll, I found it last year at Costplus World Market. If I buy them, I won't stop until the whole package is gone - Byebye clean eating :)

I have a few...and they aren't neccessarily just from when I was a child either!:p

My mom's grilled cheese sandwiches made with lots o' cheese on white bread and fried in real butter! YUMMY!!!!:9 :9 :9

My fave diner's porkroll and cheese sandwich on a hard roll...HEAVEN!}(

Oatmeal made with real sugar, real butter and whole milk!:D

I could go on but I'm making myself hungry!!! LOL
For me...chocolate chip cookies (homemade) and my mom's homemade lasagna.

Actually....I STILL love my mom's lasagna and could quite possibly polish off half of the baking dish myself....:9
plain old kraft macaroni and cheese was a staple for me. i still make it on the rare occasion for the kids (they also love it) and i love to have a big spoonful for myself!

my mom used to make me farina in the winter and call it "porridge" when i was little because that's what the 3 bears ate. i have very fond memories of that and pastina, lol.
My grandmother's pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and creamed cauliflower....:9:9:9 Oh, and Freihofer's Chocolate Chip cookies...the original Freihofer's :9
Fried bologna sandwich on rye bread. I might add it was fried in butter :) Its a wonder I survived!
My mother's baked macaroni and cheese; always was and still is perfection in my eyes :9 :9

*as usual, excited about any post celebrating food* :)
Kraft mac and cheese! We only got it when Mom and Dad had date night, and there was going to be a babysitter.

Boy, did we look forward to it! :)

Also - my Italian grandmother's fresh spaghetti sauce and meatballs. Still my favorite today and no one can make it like her in my family! She is getting old (in her 80's - God love her) and she does not make it much anymore :(

Love it!

"Life is too short - Be the best you can be every single day of your life!" :)
Kaboom cereal. Followed by Sugar Crisp cereal. Can't get enough of super sugar bear....

ETA: Sugar Crisp is called Super Crisp now, because sugar is the evil stepmother. It's still in the cereal, just not in the name.
OOOHHH, yummy!:p :p It probably is the hot buttered popcorn my mom would make.

Oh and my grandma would make real strudels ( she was German) the kind her grandma made, etc...in the old country. She would only make them once a year, but were they good. They are basically dough rolled out so thin you can see through them, smeared with garlic and butter, rolled up into individual pieces and steamed in a cast iron pot over chopped up potatoes and onions. You would unroll them and they would literally melt in your mouth. So delicious.

Oh and my great grandmas tuna fish sandwiches on white wonder bread, made with lots of mayo!:p Probably why I love mayo today, never let myself have the "real deal" but dang that stuff is good!:7
My grandmother's homemade bread and pizza...and pasta. Her tomato sauce was like an elixir from heaven. I can't duplicate it no matter how hard I try.
Macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets. My parents were whole nutrition food freaks way back in the 70's (yikes, much like I have turned into today). We never ever had anything in the house with sugar or prepackaged or "fun" to eat. But once a month they went on a date, left us with Aunt Jan, and boom Mac and Cheese and chicken nuggets! It still tastes like contraband even to this day!
I had two faves and both are not healthy at all:

SLURPEES from the 7-Eleven


Peanut Buster Parfaits from Dairy Queen

I would babysit and mow lawns for hours to earn enough mula for my favorite treats.

I was a picky kid but I loved spinach too. Still love spinach....
Hmmm..Captain Crunch Peanut Butter Cereal (I don't know the real name b/c we called it "peanut butter balls!")

For homemade food, it was mom's chicken parmagiana. That still is my favorite but mine runs a close second to hers :)
My favorite foods were Honey Nut Cheerios, orange sherbert, oreo cookies, and believe it or not skim milk. I use to drink that by the gallons! I guess that's not really a food, but it was a childhood favorite!


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