Favorite Body Part?


I was asked this question in an email and thought it'd be interesting to see how you guys responded also:

What's your favorite body part of the:

1. Opposite sex?
2. Same sex?
3. Yourself?

My answers:
1. Tie between teeth/smile & eyes
2. Teeth/smile
3. My arms

(And no, I'm not a dentist :D ! )

1. Opposite sex? CHEST
2. Same sex? HAIR
3. Yourself? LIPS or TEETH

(I probably wouldn't have thought of teeth if you hadn't put the idea in my head. But mine really are very nice.)

opposite sex: mouth, arms, and back
same sex: arms is what I look on another women to envy them when they have strong arms (the good envy) :)
me: this may sound crazy, but I like the way my shoulders and the bone that goes from shoulder to shoulder looks, even when I am not totally fit.
1. Opposite sex: Eyes
2. Same sex: Smile
3. Me: Rear Delts (it's like the one place I have defintion)

Great thread!
I was previewing Kari Anderson's new ALC II tape and I noticed how nice her arms and shoulders are. Something to work for. Very defined but not overly bulky, especially in the shoulders.
I have actually envied the appearance of that bone on other women!! I obviously cannot see mine!!

1.opposite sex: ARMS
2.same sex: ABS (when you can see 'em)
Based on my short sightedness; my top 3

1: Hair (quality, colour (not into blonds), texture)
2: Legs (I have very short ones)
3: My shoulders fat or thin they look good.

Well I figured I would chime in here ladies since I am basically the only guy on this site who posts at least semi-regularly. :)

Fave body part of opposite sex --- tie between butt and abs

Fave body part of same sex -- probably shoulders/arms

Fave body part on myself -- my quads have always been easy for me to get really good results with followed by my triceps.

Trevor :) :-jumpy
GO 24!!!!
Hey Babs!
Not into blondes!!!......OUCH!!!! lol!!! :-(
Opposite sex - chest/abs/back/arms - ha - the whole strong upper body thing....

Same sex - hair

Me - legs - they are the only parts that haven't gotten loose and flabby at 43 years old!

Hey Trevor, can I start calling you Quadzilla? I thought your favorite body part on women was that area where the butt meets the thigh. I thought you said that once. Or maybe that was me. Just kidding.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 01:36PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-02 AT 01:33 PM (Est)[/font]

Oh, man Jilly I think I just love women in general you know! I had a hard time choosing specific parts. The part you describe is basically the butt though so that qualifies! :)
There is nothing sexier IMHO than a nice tight butt!! Followed closely by abs, shoulders, legs, and back. Breast size doesnt even matter to me.......I like women who work hard and can show it off without being WAYYY over the top, you know? ;-)
Quadzilla!!...LOL!! You're too much!! Legs are definitely easiest for me to get good results with though. Next would be tris, butt, shoulders, abs, chest, bis, then back.
We should all post photos!! LOL!!!
T. :)
Well strong legs definitely mean more power...lol. Guys with great upper bodies and under developed lower bodies look ridiculous. Im female if I suffer squats I have no respect for guys who only work out their chests and biceps.
On the posting photos... I don't think people would take advice from me anymore if they saw how I really looked. Just kidding. So I have a question, do you have definition/size in your calves. A lot of guys get good leg development, but the calf is their major problem area. Is it true that some men get calf implants? I agree with your list: abs, shoulders, legs and back. I really think a muscular back is sexy. I'd take cleavage in the back over cleavage in the front any day. Well Quadzilla, thanks for sharing. I am off like a dirty shirt.
Hey Dirty Shirt! lol!...kidding!
My calves are pretty well defined with a little size in the top and middle part and then taper sharply as you go down towards the ankle. I have thin ankles I guess. I think all the biking I have done over the years has helped my calves alot as well as the quads.
Calf implants...I have heard of them but can't imagine getting them. I just take what my genetics gave me and run with it you know?
You're a shy one eh jilly! :) I bet you look great and I always look forward to advice from any Cathe-ites because you all are so well-educated.
Take care!
Trevor :)
RE: Fav body parts

Opposite sex: sexy flat tummy
First hubby had a belly on him...
Same sex: trim waist
I think women that carry excess weight in their hips and thighs look better than those that carry it around the middle
Mine: butt
For some unknown reason, I was blessed in this area. I have my Mom's build, but she has no butt, so I don't know how I lucked out. I've always gotten compliments here and find this area the easiest to shape up.

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