Fat loss rotation DVD Substitution Suggestions


I want to do Cathe's July 2003 Fat Loss & Definition rotation but I don't have all the DVDs I need.

Here are the DVDs I do have:
High Step Circuit
Basic Step + Body Fusion
Rhythmic Step+ (Rhythmic Step, IMAX, MIC)
Power Hour+ (Power Hour, MIS, Body Max)
Slow & Heavy
High Step Training
Pure Strength

Here are the VHS tapes I have:
Step Fit
Step Jam
Step Works
Muscle Endurance

Here are the workouts I need to substitute:
CTX Upper Body
Leaner Legs
Cardio & Weights
Pyramid Lower Body
Circuit Max
Boot Camp
Pyramid Upper Body

I was trying to compare descriptions of the workouts to the ones I own but I thought I'd ask you experts for help instead! I would eventually like to own all of Cathe's workouts but it's just not financially feasible right now.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Jocelyn :)
OK - after careful analysis of the Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts, I have some ideas on substitutions. There are a few that I still have no idea on but let me know what you think:

>CTX Upper Body: ???
>Leaner Legs: ???
>Cardio & Weights: Body Fusion
>Pyramid Lower Body: PS Legs
>Circuit Max: High Step Circuit
>Boot Camp: Body Max
>Pyramid Upper Body: ???

On the Upper and Lower body workouts, I could possibly use S&H but I'm not sure.

Thanks again,
Jocelyn :)
Jocelyn, you can use PS upper body for both CTX & Pyramid. If you're pressed for time, use MIS & skip through the leg sections. If you're really pressed, use the upper body work from Body Max.

The leg work in Power Hour could sub for Leaner Legs. You can add in some calf raises which Cathe uses in Leaner Legs as active recovery.


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