Fat loss and muscle


Hi Cathe!

I've been lurking around for a few weeks and finally decided to be brave and post a question! First let me say how awesome you are Cathe! You are my inspiration and I can't wait for your new tapes to arrive on my doorstep! My question is, if I am trying to lose weight (body fat) should I still be trying to build a lot of muscle, or should I wait until I've reached my goal weight? I still have about 15-20 lbs of fat I'd like to lose, but I'd also like to have some muscle definition eventually. I currently do your PS series once per week along with some of your step tapes (Step Works, Power Max and sometimes Interval Max) and running for cardio. I know that you suggested on another post that in order to build more muscle a person should eat extra calories, but I'm trying to cut back a little in order to lose some weight. Any suggestions from Cathe or anyone else would be great!

Thanks in advance,
Welcome Thea!!

I'm not Cathe,but I think you ought to keep building muscle. Muscle is metabolicly expensive!! It burns alot of calories! The more muscle you have the more calories you burn,even at rest!! Keep it up girlfriend!! you'll be glad you did!!

Thanks Aimee!

I've been reading that it is good to lift weights if you're trying to lose weight. I have noticed that even if my weight doesn't go down much, my clothes keep fitting better and better. I will definately keep it up! Thanks again!!!

what I've heard

I have heard that you really can't expect to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. . . That you really need to focus on one or the other. I have been considering this myself, I have been working out quite a while and I know I've built on some muscle but I haven't really LOST any fat!! It is still there after 12 months of doing LOTS of strength work! Sooooo, I have been thinking about putting strength on the back burner (maintenance mode) and focusing on diet and cardio for two months and see if I can LOSE THIS FAT! Then once it's gone I could go back to focusing on building strength and muscle (and it would actually be visible, LOL!!). I'm interested in whatever anyone has to say on this subject because I gotta say I'm a little frustrated. After 18 months of working out I thought I'd be a lean-mean, fit-looking machine and I'm just as squishy as ever around the middle even though there are now AWESOME abs under there.
It's a package....

Strength training, cardio and diet are all key components of fitness. And remember, you can't rely on the scale to tell you how well you are doing. As you put on muscle your weight might even go up. You should begin to look leaner though. As we age we lose muscle at a greater rate so it's important to weight train to balance that out. Of course, lovely, lean muscle covered by a layer of fat isn't all that groovy--just ask my abs8). Lean body mass burns calories so the more you have the quicker you will lose fat. And if Cathe were here I know she'd bring up genes. You can't get around the fact that your body might hold onto some of it's fat for dear life. My abs are again a good example. At one point I was training for a marathon, running 50 miles a week and never flatened out that stamach the way I would like. Do keep up the strength training!

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