I have taken a few fat burners,in my day.(hanging my head in shame).First I took Proenzi 99.Followed the instructions faithfully.They were suppose to give you added energy and they lady that sold them to me lost a lot of weight with them.I did to,not alot but I toned up.
Then, I look Chitosan,waste of money.
Then, another brand(my husbands boss bought me)he swore by them.I got nothing from them.They were suppose to give you more energy when you worked out.I felt sluggish if anything.But then again,my eating habits weren't as good as they could have been.
And now, I bought inferno.They were new out and I was a sucker.But I haven't really taken them.I have taken them a couple of times.I have had them for a month or more.I find that I get heart burn with them.
Oh my, how much money have I wasted? We will do anything in the name of slimmness.I don't think that they are to dangerous.I guess if you are taking them constintly then they may cause a problem.