Just venting a relatively new pet peeve here. I got my eyebrows done for the first time ever last year, and I love the way they look. The problem that I'm finding, though, is that I have dark hair and pale skin and I have to tweeze every single day to keep from getting that hairy look! It's such a pain in the butt that I'm tempted to go back to my cavewoman, untweezed eyebrow look. x(
Does everyone else have the same problem? I'm a relatively newbie in the tweezing world--I just never did it at all before last year, but then again, I'm more than a bit of a geek.
Thanks! (Yes, I know, this is a completely silly, shallow and frivolous whine.)
Does everyone else have the same problem? I'm a relatively newbie in the tweezing world--I just never did it at all before last year, but then again, I'm more than a bit of a geek.
Thanks! (Yes, I know, this is a completely silly, shallow and frivolous whine.)