Experiment: Bulking revisited (a little long)


Active Member
The experiment continues...
Starting in May I began a 2 week S&H rotation followed by the Tank Top Arm rotation (with some variation) followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation (first two weeks MIS 2x PH 1x, 2nd 2 weeks PH 2x MIS 1x) I am 3 weeks into it and really just don't like my results. (I do cardio at least 5x a week of various forms, always one day of Cathes Advanced Treadmill workout (a real killer) and always at least one kickboxing wkout) I just plain look thicker and notice the sleeves of my shirts are snug and some of my pants in the quad area. So, I was planning to take a week off of strength training and substitute power yoga with pilates. Something like this:

M Power yoga + cardio
T Interval Max or Intense Moves and abs or pilates
W Power yoga + cardio
TH Treadmill Workout
F Power Yoga or Pilates and Cardio
S Cardio
S Free day.....rest or whatever I feel like doing

After a week of that I can evaluate whether to continue another week, but I'd like to switch it up adding something like the Navy Seal workout and one day of cuircut weight training.What do you think? I'd love some feedback.

When I reach a comfortable state I will do a PS rotation and experiment with weight usage.
My rationale is that I want to be cut up but not bulky and I am hoping this new approach will help. I know some of you don't understand, but there really are those of us with this problem. Its ironic that you can be dedicated and work hard and not get the results you want, but...
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-02 AT 00:17AM (Est)[/font][p] I was a devoted heavy lifting fan and never saw the point of workouts like power hour, which seemed like a copout to me. I believed only heavy lifting would really do anything for anyone.

Well, was I ever wrong. I spent the whole summer doing only Power Hour and running, and I'm so glad I did. I'm smaller and harder than ever, and at 121 lbs I have a smaller and firmer behind than I did at 118 lbs while I was doing heavy lifting.

I think heavy lifting does wonders but for me, the endurance weight workouts did even better wonders. All the firming, without all the puffing up.

Just my experience for your database. And I'm one of those who doesn't build muscle easily.

I would start running 2-3 times a week and stick with endurance based weight workouts like PH and leaner legs/ctx upper body split for the time being. Also, very important here, watch what you're eating. Go easy on the breads and sugars. You can try the power yoga for awhile. I bet you'll lose a couple pounds and lean out a bit if you do, but my opinion is you don't want to stop lifting weights completely. Maybe switch back and forth from power yoga to weights every so often.

Good luck to you!
Do you think it is just the muscle "pump" that is your problem??

I say this because I just started with S&H and notice that my muscles are just really huge, like more puffed up. I guess more so immediately after but I think a little more so at all times. However, I do not see how your MIS/PH rotation would bulk you, doesn't seem like a super strength routine to do that.

That said though, I do know how you feel. Everyone here says not fitting in clothes is a result of fat and not muscle but I am at the point now where my quads do not fit in very many size 6's at all!! But at the same time, you cannot "grab" any fat on my legs, so if it is fat, it sure is hiding under there!!!

But, then again, I look at Cathe, who is very petite and lifts very heavy weight. But then again, do any of us really know what her everyday "routine" is like??

With 5 days of cardio a week, I don't know how you stay bulky. Is your cardio an hour?? That's quite a rigorous schedule. Not to sound redundant, but is your diet in line??

I think you should do what you are thinking of if you are not happy with your current results. Like you said, everyone is different!! Good Luck to you and know that even though I am a heavy lifting advocate, I can empathize with your plight!! At 5'1 and 140 pounds, I am probably even "bulkier" than you!!LOL!!

The response any one person gets to a particular exercise routine depends on a number of factors (please see post on muscularity). Any two, three, four, ten or more people could do exactly the same program, eating exactly the same and get totally different results.

You can optimize your potential, but your potential is genetically determined. To what degree you optimize your potential is dependent on how you train. Training routines have to be individualized based on a person's goals, body type and limitations.

Heavy lifting will massively bulk up some people--for others they will see only marginal changes. And some people will get the pumped look from moderate resistance higher repetition training. It all depends on individual characteristics.
RE: Please define......

Please define what a heavy workouy is vs. an endurance workout. Also, what is yhe heaviest weight you use during endurance workouts? Thanks.
Hi Janice,
My diet is fine, I don't overeat, try to eat protein with every meal, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of "starchy" carbs and eat smaller portions more often. I admit I have a sweet tooth, and tend to indulge in a frozen yogurt most nights, and maybe a piece (not a candy bar) of candy here and there, but can it really be that? I have thought about the idea of following a more specific "formula" but I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea of getting too regimented with food. This is a bit off topic, but interesting...In a nutrition class I took we studied the effects of "dieting" and how so many people have lost the ability to listen to their bodies and become detached from the simple feelings of hunger and fullness b/c they are so focused on when and what they are supposed to eat. We can probably all relate and surely we have witnessed people struggling to find that connection again and learn to listen to their bodies.. It becomes a vicious cycle.
BUT, I think you may really have a point about "puffing." I have been hitting my muscles 3x a week for about 12 weeks now, and maybe that doesn't allow my muscles enough time to rest (?) About a year ago I had been doing PS upper body once a week each and adding a day of Bmax some weeks and while I had less development, looking at pictures, the shape of my upper body was pretty good. Maybe now after building more muscle I could drop a day...PS upper body once each a week and PH once a week? hmmmmm, so many options. ;-) As for legs, I don't have PS L&A, but have Leaner Legs, so now I wonder about the lower body. Leaner legs once a week, plus the PH (?) or experiment with doing Firm Lower Body Floor once a week with PH. The grand experiment continues! Now I even wonder if I should even take a week off of training. ahhhhh! ;-) It is hard to stay away!
As for cardio, I used to make sure I stayed in the zone for 60 min, but after misplacing my HR monitor, I lessened my focus on that but make sure to do 2 intervals a week and an hour total of cardio on the remaining days, mixing it all up.
Sorry for the long post, but you've got my mind going! And Maribeth, thanks for the post on muscularity. While I know the information (I am a certified PT) its always good to be reminded of the theories behind the practice. Like yousaid we all have to figure it out for ouselves as idividual bodies.
Enjoy the weekend and thanks for the responses!
When you say "certified PT", I'm guessing you mean certified personal trainer, yes? PT is a designation that is limited by law to use by licensed physical therapists only, although many personal trainers violate this.

Who are you certified through?
Uh oh, now you did it, Chloe!! LOL..you were probably just using PT as a quick, benign abbreviation, yes?? Are you ACE certified??

I love reading posts of all kinds, even long ones!! I agree with you that it is very frustrating and it really does seem that if you are working that hard you should not have to give up every enjoyable food in your lifestyle!! I really hate that. ONT, I "fell off the wagon" last night with my Body Rx program. Ate pizza and wings. My husband passed his physical agility and written exams to become a police officer so we had to celebrate. Ok, that was HIS excuse!!:)

I guess I will have to do Body Rx with a Body for Life twist because it sure seems like I can't give up that one BAD meal. I did cut out my sweet tooth fix ( I have one too) after dinner, though. You think a clean diet can handle one REALLY BAD meal?? I just can't get pizza and wings and eat one piece and like, two chicken wings!!!! Arrrgghhh!! Does anyone else have this problem?? When I do get "bad" food, that I really like, it is so hard to adhere to any kind of moderation. Always makes me feel like a failure. But yeah...I say the same as you. Is this ONE meal killing all my definition?? If it is, I will forever be in this disgusting fight between the foods I crave and my best sculpted body.

It is funny what you say about the diets, though. You know, I really almost never eat out of true hunger. When eating 6 times a day it is almost impossible for me to feel hunger pangs!! I am sorry, it just doesn't happen!! To listen to my "true" signs, I would be eating probably 2 big meals and one small one and that is it. Big breakfast, little lunch, huge dinner. That is not good is it?? Jeez, I think if I only ate when I was hungry and "just enough" to not be full, but still be satisfied, I would probably be taking in less than 1,000 calories. I eat for energy and performance and for muscle building. Can you relate???

Ok, I will stop for now. Keep on experimenting and PLEASE let me know if something works!! You are really workin' hard if you are doin' an hour of cardio five days a week. I am not doing that much right now. Are you doing all Cathe or other things??
Actually, if PT is a "designation that is limited by law," then it would need a ™ (trademark) or ® (registration mark.) My using "PT" without either is not in violation of any law, its simply an abbreviation used in a very appropiate forum, where I am sure no one misunderstood.
Congratulations to your husband, that's wonderful!
I am ACE certified for the past two years. It is not my primary occupation now, but I am fascinated by the information and continue to learn. Ultimately I would like to "specialize" in pre and post natal fitness and hopefully make it my primary occupation.
The great thing about this forum is that so many of us can relate to each other, while in our personal lives we are all probably known by some as the one that "eats so healthy" or is a "fitness fanatic" or whatever. I know I get that at work during lunch, either my healthy food or that I use my lunch hour to go to the gym when I can.
My experiment begins today. I already did my hour of cardio this morning (elliptical) and plan to do power yoga this evening. My cardio varies a lot, I use the elliptical, stairmaster, kickbox, run, stepmill, walk inclines, and use cathe and other step tapes at home. I do two cardio interval workouts a week...one long (Cathes advanced treamill workout) and one shorter (either Interval Max or Intense Moves )
BTW, eat your pizza and wings, and then get right back on track, we are so regimented already and need those "cheats." Then we can come here and have someone tell us its ok! lol! I'll keep you posted....

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