The experiment continues...
Starting in May I began a 2 week S&H rotation followed by the Tank Top Arm rotation (with some variation) followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation (first two weeks MIS 2x PH 1x, 2nd 2 weeks PH 2x MIS 1x) I am 3 weeks into it and really just don't like my results. (I do cardio at least 5x a week of various forms, always one day of Cathes Advanced Treadmill workout (a real killer) and always at least one kickboxing wkout) I just plain look thicker and notice the sleeves of my shirts are snug and some of my pants in the quad area. So, I was planning to take a week off of strength training and substitute power yoga with pilates. Something like this:
M Power yoga + cardio
T Interval Max or Intense Moves and abs or pilates
W Power yoga + cardio
TH Treadmill Workout
F Power Yoga or Pilates and Cardio
S Cardio
S Free or whatever I feel like doing
After a week of that I can evaluate whether to continue another week, but I'd like to switch it up adding something like the Navy Seal workout and one day of cuircut weight training.What do you think? I'd love some feedback.
When I reach a comfortable state I will do a PS rotation and experiment with weight usage.
My rationale is that I want to be cut up but not bulky and I am hoping this new approach will help. I know some of you don't understand, but there really are those of us with this problem. Its ironic that you can be dedicated and work hard and not get the results you want, but...
Starting in May I began a 2 week S&H rotation followed by the Tank Top Arm rotation (with some variation) followed by Cathes MIS/PH rotation (first two weeks MIS 2x PH 1x, 2nd 2 weeks PH 2x MIS 1x) I am 3 weeks into it and really just don't like my results. (I do cardio at least 5x a week of various forms, always one day of Cathes Advanced Treadmill workout (a real killer) and always at least one kickboxing wkout) I just plain look thicker and notice the sleeves of my shirts are snug and some of my pants in the quad area. So, I was planning to take a week off of strength training and substitute power yoga with pilates. Something like this:
M Power yoga + cardio
T Interval Max or Intense Moves and abs or pilates
W Power yoga + cardio
TH Treadmill Workout
F Power Yoga or Pilates and Cardio
S Cardio
S Free or whatever I feel like doing
After a week of that I can evaluate whether to continue another week, but I'd like to switch it up adding something like the Navy Seal workout and one day of cuircut weight training.What do you think? I'd love some feedback.
When I reach a comfortable state I will do a PS rotation and experiment with weight usage.
My rationale is that I want to be cut up but not bulky and I am hoping this new approach will help. I know some of you don't understand, but there really are those of us with this problem. Its ironic that you can be dedicated and work hard and not get the results you want, but...